
文章作者 无名 发表时间 2004:12:06 03:27:16
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

发贴:及时雨 ; ; ; ;

Version 11(G)

Task 1: Write a reference letter for your friend to work with foreign teenagers. Describe his or her character and why you recommend him or her.

Task 2: In most parts of the world, the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate. In the form of an assignment, discuss about the main traffic problems in your country, their causes and possible solutions.

Version 14(G)=Version 71(G)

Task 1: Write a letter to apply for a position in a local department store. In the description you should include the following items: 1) what is the position? 2) your experience and related ability.

Task 2: Someone think that the Olympic Games will not play an important role in the 21st century, thus the 2004 Olympic Game should be the last one. Do you agree or disagree?  

Version 20(G)

Task1: Write a letter to the boss of a restaurant to reserve a room for a friend to celebrate his birthday. The letter should include the reason to write the letter, the requirement of flat and your specific service. ; ;

Task2: The adolescents spend 14 hours watching TV every week while only 6 hours with their family members, which will affect pure relationship in the family. Do you agree or disagree? ;   

Version 25(G)=Version 72(G)

Task 1: Your organized travel has been cancelled. Write a letter to explain the reason that you want to ask for the insurance fee for travel.

Task 2: Some think the middle school students should learn as many general subjects as possible before they are 17 years old, others are confident that specific subjects should be learnt during the period. Which opinion do you prefer?  

Version 42(G)

Task 1: Write a letter to apply for a job in a piece of advertisement.

Task 2: In some countries, children go to school at the age of seven, but in other countries they will go to school at the age of four. Which idea do you prefer?  

Version 46(G)

Task 1:You should spend no more than 20 minutes on this task and write at least 150 words.

You stayed with a local family when you attended a training program in New Zealand. You returned to your home country in a hurry and found that you had left your laptop computer in the family. Write a letter to the family, thanking them for their hospitality. Describe your computer and where it is and ask the host to send it back to you.

You do NOT need to write your own address.

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear ____________,

Task 2: You should spend no more than 40 minutes on this task and write at least 250 words. Some say that it is good for children to stay away from their families and go to a boarding school. Others say that children had better live with their families and attend a day school. What do you think about it?  

Version 50(G)

Task 1: A new international hotel can supply varieties of working opportunities, writing a letter to apply for a certain sort of job.

Write about: ; 1.the reason you are writing.
       ; 2.why are you suit for a certain job
       ; 3.show some certification about it.

Task 2: In some country children starting their school at the age of seven in order to strengthen their relation with their parents, but in other countries, children can begin their school at the age of four.

Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of starting school at an early age.  

Version 52(G)

Task 1: Write a recommendation letter to the public library to improve the service and facility. In the letter you should include: 1. what are you satisfied; 2. what are you unsatisfied; 3. your suggestion

Task 2: some people think that it is more important for a single language as an international official language. Others think that it will make it difficult to identify countries and loss culture. What’s your opinion? ; Show your reason and example.  

Version 53(G)

Task 1: You have a job during the summer vacation, but the payment you received is not guaranteed, write to the manager to state the following:

Write about: 1.describe what has happened
       2.the length and the work you done
       3.what you would like to do

Task 2: In some countries if parents hit or punish their children physically, it is not allowed by the law and will be arrested. Some people think it is necessary to discipline and correct their behavior, and other people think it the matter of their own.  

Version 63(G)=82(G)

Task 1: There is something wrong with your telephone bill. Write a letter to the telephone company to 1) explain what’s wrong 2) complain about the problem 3) suggest how you want to solve the problem.

Task 2: Many young people leave their home before they are 20 years old to study or start to work. Do you think this is positive? What would be the disadvantages in the matter?  

Version 64(G)

Task 1: Write a complain letter to the restaurant that you just went to. In the letter you should:

1. ; ; ; ; describe the whole event

2. ; ; ; ; complain about their expensive dishes and poor service

3. ; ; ; ; give them some advice to improve.

Task 2: People began to be engaged in some dangerous activities. Should the life guards take their lives’ risk in saving people who are in danger?  

Version 66(G)

Task 1: You want to celebrate the birthday of a friend at work. Write a letter to the restaurant to book a private room.

4. ; ; ; ; Tell them why you want to book ; that restaurant

5. ; ; ; ; Tell them the time and the number of people to attend

6. ; ; ; ; Order things that meet your personal demand

Task 2: As the figure given by a census shows that children spend 14 hours per week to watch TV, and they spend only 6 hours on conversation to their family members. A conclusion is to be made that watching TV will reduce children’s ability of maintaining real human relationships.

Do you agree with the above comment?   

Version 67(G)

Task 1: Write a letter to complain the situation that some adolescents let their dogs run widely, which is very dangerous.

Task 2: As a youth, how to choose his own career and whom to refer to and what kind of information to listen to?   

Version 68(G)

Task 1: You took your family had a good meal in a local restaurant. Write a letter to the newspaper to tell about it, describe the meal you had, and why you think the restaurant is worth for other people to visit.

Task 2: Choose an invention, telephone or computer, and tell how it has changed our life. Are the changes all positive or negative?  

Version 70(G)

Task 1: You have booked a holiday for ; you and your brother, but unfortuna tely your brother cant go. Write a letter to your friend ; to invite him to go with you. You should

1) explain what has happened 2) explain the details of the holiday. 3) tell him what he should do.

Task 2: Now there are more and more television cameras in shops and homes to monitor customers and visitors. Some people think this is unhappy and not trustworthy. Others think security is more important than privacy. What is your opinion? Explain your reasons and use your own experience.  

Version 71(G)

Task 1: Apply for a job to make clear your objective, qualifications and working experiences.

Task 2: Some claim Olympic Games will not be popular again and 2004 will be the last year to have the game. Do you agree or disagree?  

Version 73(G):

Task 1: You cannot go to a company where you have got an offer. Write a letter to the HR supervisor to 1) explain the reason why you decline the offer 2) express your gratitude 3)explain you like your current job very much.

Task 2: A test reports recently that children are becoming lazy, fat and unsociable. Give your possible reasons and suggestions to prevent it.  

Version 74(G)

Task 1: Write a letter to apply for the scholarship, state where u decide to go and the effect on your work.

Task 2: There is a large amount of violence in television pr ograms we should reduce. Do you agree or disagree?  

Version 75(G)

Task 1: You are looking for a part time job. You found a piece of advertisement about a restaurant wanting a waitress or waiter. Write a letter to explain:

1. ; ; ; ; you are the right person for the position

2. ; ; ; ; the reason why you write the letter

3. ; ; ; ; Why do you need the job

Task2: Some people believe that if we give children a small amount of money every week and let them use it by themselves, children will have less financial problem in the future. How far do you agree with the opinion?   

Version 76(G)

Task 1: Your car is hired from a company and when you are driving in holiday, there’s a small accident on it, you will have to write a report to the company to explain it.

You need to explain the following statement

1、When and where you hired it?

2、Describe how the accident happened

3、What kind of action did you have after the accident?

Don’t use your own address. Write about 150 words

Task 2: Fashion is difficult to follow, some people say fashion is just for selling clothes, we should not follow it and we should dress what we like and feel comfortable in it. Agree or disagree? Use any relevant example to support your idea. Write 250 words   

Version 78(G)

Task 1: You are going to London to take a training course for a month. Write a letter to the local accommodation agent to prepare a flat for you. You should tell him your information, your requirement and when you would arrive.

Task 2: Today’s parents append too little time with their children and use television to make their children quiet. Explain the reasons and results by using your relevant experience and example.  

Version 79(G)

Task1: You had a small fire in your room. Write a letter to your landlord, and tell him the situation of what has happened, what property you have lost, the recommendations you provide.

Task2: Nowadays some people send their children go to study abroad. What are the advantages and disadvantages of it? What do you think the best ages are? Give your reasons and better with examples to explain the problem.  

Version 80(G)

Task 1: Your British friends have just indented to go to the place you have come back from. Write a letter to describe the scenery, what were you doing and remind him what he has to carry with. ;

Task 2: There are different vacations for people of different jobs. Should all employees enjoy the same vacation no matter what kind of job they take? Present your opinion and give reasons and examples to illustrate.  

Version 81(G)

Task 1: Write a letter to introduce yourself and ask for learning a course in Britain. In the letter you should also try to rent a decent house there.

Task 2: Why is it difficult to stay fit and healthy nowadays? Can you think of some solutions to deal with the problem?  

Version 82(G)=63(G)

Task 1: You received a telephone bill and&;n bsp;found there were some problems ; on it. ; ; ; Write a letter to explain it a nd complain their service. At last you should tell them w hat you hope them to do.

Task 2: Many young people leave their home before they are 20 years old to study or start to work. Do you think this is positive? What would be the disadvantages in this matter?  

Version 83(G)

Task1: You are in a local company and you want to have a training course in another city. Write a letter to your company manager.

1)give the details of the course.
2)explain the reason why you need to attend the course.
3)tell him how much time you need to take off from your work.

Task2: In the past, we have no computers, Internet, and mobile-phones. What are positive and negative effects of these developments?  

Version 84(G)

Task 1: There is often something wrong with the lift and escalator when you go to the big store. Write a complain letter to the manager of the store to

1) ; ; ; ; ask them to explain the situation

2) ; ; ; ; express your satisfaction and complaint

3) ; ; ; ; ask for improvement

Task 2: Some young students like to see violent films nowadays. What do you think of the effects of violent films to people, especially children? Give your suggestion and your experience.   

Version 86(G)

Task 1: You lived in a Canadian family when you were in Canada. Now you are on vacation and won’t live in that family any more. But you find you have left something there and have to come back. Write a letter to tell the family 1) your decision 2) the reasons of your decision 3) how to take care of your belongings.

Task 2: Some think mother will not be a good mother if she goes out to work, therefore the government should give mother a salary to raise her family. Do you agree or disagree? Use relevant examples and your experience.  

Version 89(G)

Task 1: Write a complain letter. One of your neighbors burns rubbish close to your house. Complain about it to him, tell him the bad effect to your family and give him some suggestions.

Task 2: Parents should limit the hours of their watching TV and playing computer games and insist using time for reading. Do you agree or disagree?  

Version 90(G)

Task 1:You want to begin your own business, write a letter to your friend to ask him for some help. You should write your business plan, explain why it is a good idea and ask him for some advice or help.

Task 2:“Your character is strongly influenced by the place where you grew up.” In what ways can growing up in a city or growing up in the countryside influence peoples character? Give you relative experience.  

Version 91(G)

Task1: You have kept a bicycle in the entrance hall of the building. Many neighbors have complained it to you. Write an article to your gatekeeper.

1) You will describe you situation
2) explain why you have to keep a bicycle there
3) provide a solution to the problem

Task 2: Nowadays, cultures of different countries have been coming into so similarity that there is no point of view to traveling abroad. To what extent do you agree or disagree?  

Version 92(G)

Task 1: Write a letter to invite one of your friends to join the walking holiday with you. Explain the time, place and the whole process.

Task 2: Today some people have to work away from their families. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the situation? Give your opinion and some examples of your experience.  

Version 94(G)

Task 1: You and your future husband/wife will hold a wedding. You plan to ask an English-speaking friend to join. The requirement is as follows:

1) ; ; ; ; Describe your future husband/wife

2) ; ; ; ; Tell detailed activities to him

3) ; ; ; ; Why do you like him to visit

Task 2: Some people think that children’s lives will be different from their own. What’s your opinion?  

Version 96(G)

Task 1: You live in a flat in the UK. But you always find there are some problems with your furniture in your rented house. Write a complain letter to your landlord to

1) explain who you are

2) explain what are the problems and complain

3) offer your solution to the problem

Task 2: Books, films and Internet all belong to the information resources. What do you think of the merits and demerits of the media? Give your opinion and your personal experience.  

Version 97(G)

Task 1: Invite your friend to ; have a short time for walking on holiday. In the letter you should say who you are and the benefits of walking on holiday.

Task 2: People spend long period&;nb sp;of time to work away from h ome. Discuss its advantages and disadvantages by using some examples.  

Version 98 (G)

Task 1: Apply for a job to be a tourist guide for local tourists. In the application letter you should state your strong points and week points for the position and express your eager for the job.

Task 2: Some people say it is a good way to spend a lot of money on the costumes and hair beauty while others say it is waste of money and time. Use your experience to illustrate which idea you prefer.  

Version 103(G)

Task 1: Your friend plans to come and spend holidays with you but you are unavailable at that time. Write a letter to apologize it and offer some alternatives.

Task 2: In many countries, people don’t wear their national costume any longer. Many people think the citizens will forget their history and tradition. So people should be encouraged to wear national costume every day. Do you agree or disagree?



G类写作真题:Version 89