
文章作者 无名 发表时间 2004:12:06 03:26:24
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

TASK1:2个BAR chart,
第一个:percentage of secondary-aged girls and boys in the world,分为4个地区:Europe,sub-Saharan,Latin America和 East Asia ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
第二个:percentage of college-aged women and men in the world ,也是同样的4个地区,都是2001年,所以时态大家要斟酌。

TASK2:Now many people think that spending too much money
and time on protecting animals, they think the money should be better spent
on human population, hou much extend you agree or disagree?

Topic: Due to global warming, deforestation or various other reasons, more and more animal species have been pushed to the brink of extinguishment. Some people claim that it is not worthwhile saving these endangered animals. To what extent do you agree with the above statement?


  1. Extinction can be a natural evolutionary process.

  2. Nature has operated by the Darwinian principle of “survival of the fittest”.

  3. Life forms that cannot keep up with newer species will always risk extinction.

  4. It does not make sense for us to concentrate on other species when humanity has not yet sorted its own welfare out.

  5. Because of their inherent weakness, some animals should die out and be replaced by hardier species.

  6. There’s no point in spending large amounts of taxpayers’ money on biodiversity policies when we have more pressing needs, such as health care and social services.

  7. What matters more than anything is that humans are permitted to have the best standard of life on earth, while that privilege lasts.

  8. Would you preserve the Dinosaurs if they were alive today?

  9. Becoming extinct is a natural course of events. Extinction occurs naturally as part of the process of evolution.

  Words and expressions for the topic:



  a natural evolutionary process自然进化过程

  Darwinian principle of “survival of the fittest”达尔文的”适者生存”法则

  life forms 生命形式

  risk extinction冒着灭绝的危险

  make sense有意义 humanity人类

  welfare 福利、幸福

  inherent weakness天生的缺陷 die out 灭绝

  pressing needs 迫切的需要

  social services 社会福利事业 privilege 特权

  Dinosaurs 恐龙 extinct 灭绝的

  a natural course of events 自然的过程

  process of evolution 进化的过程



  utilitarian value实用价值

  mammal 哺乳动物 species 种类

  threaten威胁 a right to existence生存权

  a natural evolutionary process自然进化过程

  large-scale land clearing大规模的土地开发

  commercialization 商业化

  biodiversity 生物多元化 abuse 滥用

  deforestation毁林 over-fishing 过度捕捞

  irreparable damage 不可弥补的损失


  1. Biodiversity as a whole has overwhelming utilitarian value.

  2. Biodiversity is one of man’s greatest assets.

  3. All living things from mammals to fish to insects to plants are connected and depend upon each other for survival. The removal or extinction of one species affects our entire environment.

  4. Hundreds of species of plants and animals are threatened with extinction.

  5. Other species have a right to existence.

  6. Extinction can be a natural evolutionary process but a lot of it - especially if it occurs at a faster than natural rate - is caused by humans.

  7. Many species have become extinct because of large-scale land clearing carried out and the commercialization of agriculture.

  8. Biodiversity must be preserved at all costs and measures taken to ensure more species don’t become extinct.

  9. Humans have the power to affect our environment more than any other species and with this power comes responsibility. If we continue to abuse the earth by deforestation, over-fishing, hunting and large scale land clearing, we will cause irreparable damage.


  12. Fossil evidence shows that mass extinctions have occurred many times throughout the history of life on earth, one of the most notable being the mass demise of the dinosaurs.

  13. On the ethical side, the desire to protect biodiversity must not overwhelm other human goals. It would be wrong, for instance, if we allowed concern for the environment to destroy someone’s aspiration to educate their children, or to provide good health care for their family, or to live in a safe, comfortable home.

  14. The view that extinctions will give rise to ecological disaster is an exaggeration.

  15. After every collapse of biodiversity, it subsequently rebounded, with the earth coming to no lasting harm.

  16. Saving endangered species is interfering with the evolutionary process.

  17. It’s not really the “actual” evolutionary process because it’s already been changed by humans.

  18. We believe in natural aaion. Since the very beginnings of life, Nature has operated by the Darwinian principle of “survival of the fittest”.


  10. Protecting endangered species is an extension of our existing system of ethics. Just as we protect weaker and less able human beings, we should safeguard the welfare of other less privileged species.

  11. Scientists have long taken their inspiration from nature. Every time a species becomes extinct, scientists forever lose an opportunity to make a new discovery.

  12. The goal is to restore all endangered and threatened species to the point where they are again viable, self-sustaining members of their ecological communities.

  13. It is imperative for governments of developed and developing nations to adopt more environmentally friendly policies.

  14. Quite apart from the fact that we actually need some of these animals, birds and insects to ensure our environment remains habitable to us humans, there is al

