Section 1 1. Length: [18months] 2. Address: [Forest] road 3. Present Course: [Academic] English (陷阱,曾经读General english) 4. When: [Thursday] (Not sure, 铅笔断了,所以没注意听) 5. B. Twin room 6. B. With single person 7. A. Flat (Because she was staying in a flat before) 8. [Deposit] $320 9. every [Month] 10. part of [Phone] bill
Section 2 11. C ; 17 - 31 Jan(陷阱,每年都是1-13Jan,但今年换成End of month to give people some extra time) 12. ; B. Theatre 13. C. Several (陷阱,她介绍2个,但是还有很多个) 14. B. Tent 15. Lighting 16. Adults 17. forgot, but simple 18. Whole family 19. City Garden 20. Young children
Section 3 21. B. Geographical location 22 - 24 cant remember 25. A. Too cold for visitors 26. A. Dry continent 27. 1882 - 1883 28. missed :<; Established? maybe.. 注意力不集中的后果 29. No nuclear test (C) 30. No military use (A)
Section 4 31. 795KG 32. Tail 33. Ocean floor 34. Smell 35. B. Along the coastline 36. B. 150只 (陷阱,最多捕1500只但是平均150只) 37. A. Tahiti (New Zealand 的 Tahiti) 38. C. Summer 39. Wave current 40. Moving sand
I could be wrong ;) so dont blame me if i made any mistake But im quite confident with my listening because most of my friends speak English Anyway, dont depend on other peoples answer too much