文章作者 100test 发表时间 2011:07:04 00:48:55
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
87,The university authorities did not approve the regulation,____(也没有解释为什么): and they didn’t explain the reasons, either. 昂立教师
88,Jane is tired of dealing with customer complaints and wishes that she_____(能被分配做另一项工作):could be assigned to do another job. 昂立教师
89,John rescued the drowning child_____(冒着自己生命危险): at the risk of his own life.
题型 | 写作 | 快速阅读 | 听力 | 仔细阅读 | 完型填空 | 翻译 |
试题 | #0000ff>写作试题 | #0000ff>快速阅读试题 | #0000ff>听力试题 | #0000ff>仔细阅读试题 | #0000ff>完型填空试题 | #0000ff>翻译试题 |
答案 | #0000ff>写作答案 | #0000ff>快速阅读答案 | #0000ff>听力答案 | #0000ff>仔细阅读答案 | #0000ff>完型填空答案 | #0000ff>翻译答案 |