Defending the Theory of Evolution Still Seems Needed
46. Defending the Theory of Evolution Still Seems Needed(综A) 1) According to the first paragraph, which of the following statements about the theory or evolution is true? 2) Which one of the following is NOT the reason for an overall lack of teaching Darwin’s theory? 3) AIBS’s is composed of 4) According to Weis in the 5th paragraph, the theory of evolution 5) Why do people replace the term creationism with the term intelligent design nowadays? |
46. Defending the Theory of Evolution Still Seems Needed(综A) 1) School boards oppose AIBS’s effort to defend the theory of evolution. 2) Darwin’s theory is denied as the central theory of biology. 3) more than 80 societies and 250,000 members. 4) is fundamental to the development of modern genetics, molecular biology and genomics. 5) because the term creationism is too direct. |
捍卫进化论仍必要 |
46. Defending the Theory of Evolution Still Seems Needed(综A) ①关于第一段的正确描述是_________________。 ②_________________不得不教授达尔文理论的原因。 ③AIBS由_________________组成。 ④达尔文进化论是_________________的发展基础。 ⑤creationism这个词_________________。 |
46.捍卫进化论仍必要(综A) ①学校委员会反对AIBS努力捍卫进化论 ②达尔文理论被确定为生物学中心理论 ③80多个协会与250,000个成员 ④遗传学、分子生物学、基因学 ⑤太直接了(意即太过于宗教色彩) |