文章作者 100test 发表时间 2011:03:18 19:12:52
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
Blast: Explosion. strong criticism. To criticize strongly. strike with explosives爆炸;严厉批评
Blaze: Fire 火;火焰
Blow: Injury / disappointment suffered 遭受到的不幸或打击
Boost: Promotion/promote, increase, support 促进≈fuel
Chide: Ridicule 责骂;奚落
Claim: To declare to be true. To kill 声称;夺命
Clash: Dispute, violent argument, Battle (n.). To disagree strongly. fight (v.) 冲突
Cool: Uninterested. unfriendly 冷漠≈indifferent
Coup: Revolution, change in government 政变;=Coup détat 兵变
Curb: Restraint, limit 限制;抑制