Accord: agreement 协议,条约≈treaty;protocol Air: to make known, broadcast 广播,播放 Assail: To criticize strongly 谴责 Axe: To dismiss from a job. To cut, destroy, take away 大幅削减 Back: To support 支持≈embrace Balk: To refuse to accept 拒绝;阻碍 Ban: Prohibition. prohibit 禁止 Bar: Not to allow, exclude 排外;禁止 Bid: Attempt, offer 企图;努力 in a bid to… Bilk: To cheat 欺骗≈swindle Blast: Explosion. strong criticism. To criticize strongly. strike with explosives爆炸;严厉批评 Blaze: Fire 火;火焰 Blow: Injury / disappointment suffered 遭受到的不幸或打击 Boost: Promotion/promote, increase, support 促进≈fuel Chide: Ridicule 责骂;奚落 Claim: To declare to be true. To kill 声称;夺命 Clash: Dispute, violent argument, Battle (n.). To disagree strongly. fight (v.) 冲突 Cool: Uninterested. unfriendly 冷漠≈indifferent Curb: Restraint, limit 限制;抑制 Deadlock: A disagreement that cannot be settled 僵局≈stalemate Deal: Agreement 共识;协议 Drive: Campaign, effort 运动;事业 Due: Expected 到期;预计到 Envoy: Diplomat 特使 Eye: To watch with interest 凝视;盯着 Face: Undergo 面临;经历 Fault: To find in the wrong 找茬;吹毛求疵 Feud: Dispute, strong disagreement 世代结仇;斗争 Flay: To accuse. criticize strongly 严厉指责 Foe: Opponent. enemy 敌人;仇敌;≈rival Foil: To prevent from succeeding 阻挠 Gems: Jewels 珠宝;珍宝 Go-ahead: Approval 同意;许可 Grab: Seize, win 抓住;赢得 Grip: To take hold of 把握 Gut: To destroy completely by fire 损毁(内部);彻底烧毁 Halt: Stop 停滞≈standstill Haul: Large quantity which has been stolen and later discovered 失而复得 Head: To lead, direct 朝向 Head off: To prevent 阻止 Held: To restrict 限制 Heist: Theft 抢夺 Hit: To affect badly 打击 Hold: To keep in police control. detain 拘留;拘押≈in custody Ink: To sign 签署≈put pen to… Jet: Aero plane 喷气飞机 Jobless: Unemployed 失业 Key: Essential, vital, very, important 关键≈crucial. pivotal Kick off: To begin 开始