概括大意和完成句子 1. 每道题型四分,共八分。来源:www.100test.com 2. 十分钟之内必须做完一道题。 3. 一篇文章出了两个题型,一个题型是概括大意,另一个是完成句子。分别出四个题, 每道题1分,共8分。 一. 概括大意 1.分值:4分。 2.题型特点:它考的是四段的中心思想。 注意:(1)提供的备选答案是六个。 (2)文章的篇幅。 3.做题的步骤: a.看标题。(查字典与不查字典)。 b.看问哪四段并做好标记。 (P148) Exercise one North America 1 The natural regions of North America are typified by broad areas of apparently similar appearance and morphology. The entire western margin of the continent is paralleled by a series of mountain chains with intermountain basins and plateaus. The vast interior of the continent is dominated by gently rolling plains. The eastern side of the continent has both low mountain relief and, along the southeast coast, almost flat topography. 2 The agricultural resources of North America are immense, with much of this potential located in the United States and southern Canada. Almost all of the Interior Plains and the Atlantic and Gulf Lowlands regions are suitable for agriculture. Significant areas within the Western Uplands-wherever water is available-are valuable crop or pasture lands as smaller sections of Middle America. 3 Of the more than 400 million people in North America, more than 60%are located in the United States and almost another 20%live in Mexico. Almost all of Canada s people live within 200 km (125mi) of the U. S. border. The remainder of the continent s population is divided between the Caribbean and Central American countries, with Cuba, in the Caribbean, by far the most populous. 4 The educational levels of North Americans are exceeded on a continental scale only in Europe and in Australia. In the United States and Canada more than 50%of the people older than 25 years have completed at least 12 years of schooling. In addition, more than 15%have completed at least 4 years of college. Virtually the entire population of both countries are considered literate. In contrast, a large portion of the Middle American population does not finish primary school. 5 Levels of economic development vary greatly over the continent. The postindustrial economies of Canada and the United States employ well under one-tenth of their tabor forces in agriculture and one-third or less in industry, with the rest primarily employed in service industries. Fueled by oil revenues, Mexico s economy developed more rapidly in the 1970s than any other country s on the continent. The fall of oil prices in the 1980s, however, stalled this growth and plunged Mexico deeply into debt. In the Caribbean the pace of economic development is uneven, and unemployment rates are generally high. A Agricultural Resources B Education C Economy D People E Land F Employment 1 Paragraph 2 ________ 2 Paragraph 3 ________ 3 Paragraph 4 ________ 4 Paragraph 5 ________ 5 The topographical feature of North America is ________. 6 The great potential agricultural resources of North American lies in ________. 7 In U. S. and Canada ________ is considered illiterate. 8 Mexico s rapid economic development in the 1970s is due to ________. A oil revenues B none C the entire population D the U. S. and southern Canada E intermountain basins and plateaus F broad areas of similar appearance and morphology c.分析A-F选项。(找关键词) 关键词:名词 1)冠词a,an,the后面的词一定是名词。若接两个单词,名词是后者。 2)of两边是名词。 3)介词的后面接的是名词。 4)one s后是名词。 5)通过名词的后缀判断名词。 -tion,- sion,-ness,-ment,-ance (-ce),部分-y, 关键词:词组 数字年代 写法特殊的单词(专有名词、有小连字符的单词、有引号的单词) 形容词、副词、原级、比较级、最高级 注意:名词前的修饰词adj.大多数为原级。 名词前的修饰词反义词是否与文章表达一致。 比较级(-er)more less 最高级(-est) most least d.到相应的段落找答案。 段的第一句.如果第一句没有,看第二句.第二句也没有,看最后一句。如这三个地方都没有,往中间看。 注意:1.如果在第二句前边出现了but、however、在线词以它们后面句子中的 在线词为主。 2.如果某个句子前边出现一下单词:show、conclude、conclusion、 find、suggest,到词后的句子中找关键词。 3.有绝对化意义的答案不选,如all。