文章作者 100test 发表时间 2010:01:02 15:44:12
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
Health care reform
This fall the country will be talking health care again-or at least should be talking about it-as congress moves to change the principles on which medicare and medicaid were established 30 years ago. a writer with a taste for irony could scarcely conceive a better plot, and as one of those who wrote the clinton plan, i confess it strikes me as more than ironic.
two years ago, republicans were denouncing the secrecy surrounding the president’s health care task force. this summer, republicans have been meeting "behind closed doors" on a medicare proposal scheduled to be released later this month, only a few weeks before congress votes on it, thereby avoiding independent analysis of the costs, mobilization by opponents and other inconvenient aspects of a long national debate. two years ago, the republicans rang alarms about the clinton plan’s emphasis on managed care. now the republicans’ own plans for medicare and medicaid emphasize managed care.