文章作者 100test 发表时间 2010:07:18 22:01:47
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
● 表达质疑
1. I m not sure what you re saying has any relevance here.
2. I m not sure if what you re saying has anything to do with our problem.
3. I m not sure if what you re saying really matters in this case.
4. I m not sure if what you re saying is relevant to our problem.
"relevance"是‘关联.适切’,词组用法为"have relevance to..."-‘与…有关’。这句话适用于正式场合,表示对方所言对议题并无意义。开头语由于是"I m not sure"而不是"I don t think",因此可避免直接对峙的场面。不过这句话易造成不是对就是错的局面,因此若对方辩护有效,自己会有全盘皆输的危险。
● 暂不回答
1. I can t really recall. I ll have to get back to you on that.
2. I can t quite remember. I ll need to do a little checking and get back to you.
3. I can t fully remember. I ll have to check up on it.
4. I can t recall all the facts. I ll have to get back to you.
"recall"是‘想起’."get back to someone on something"的意思是‘下次再和某人谈某事’。这句型适用于想避而不答,以免不慎的回答落人口实之时。它能让对方不再把矛头指向你,使你有机会脱身,找时间准备数据,延长到下次再为自己答辩。
● 询问意见
1. Would anyone like to add anything to (what I ve said)?
2. Would anyone care to comment?
3. Would anyone like to give their ideas on this?
4. Would anyone care to add their thoughts (to the discussion)?
● More 邀询意见
What are your views on...?
What are your feelings about...?
What are your feelings on this?
What do you think about...?
What s your opinion about that?
Any reaction to that?
Has anybody any strong feelings about/ views on that?
What s the general view on/ feeling about that?
Has anybody any comments to make?