jiejie"> 07-1 Unit 2 21.Although not an economist himself, Dr. smith has long been a severe critic of the governments ______ policies A economic B economical C economics D economy economy 经济 economic 经济的 economics 经济学 economical 节约的 frugal 节俭的百考试题论坛 22. It is rather _______ that we still do not know how many species there are in the world today. A misleading B embarrassing C boring D demanding embarrassing 令人尴尬的 misleading 令人误解的 boring 郁闷的 demanding 耗时耗力的 considerable 大量的 23. The old building is in a good state of ______ except for the wooden floors A observation B preservation C conservation D compensation 词根serve 表示”保留” reserve 储备.预定 reservation (房间等)预定 Reservation 专指印第安人居留地 conserve 保存,保护自然资源 preserve 保存以备后用 preservative 防腐剂 observe 观察 compensation 补偿,弥补 07-2 Unit 2 24. The ceremony will _____ as soon as the minister arrives. A complete B commence C disperse D descend mini 表示”小” mini happy country 小日本 minister 大臣,牧师 administer 管理 MBA (Master of Business Administration) 工商管理硕士 minimize 降到最小 minimum n. minimal adj. miniature 缩微模型,雏形 diminish 减少,降低 minor 次要的 minority 少数,少数民族 maxi 表示”大” maximum 最大 maximize v.变成最大 commence 开始 disperse 分散 descend 下降,下山,下车.继承 descendant n.后代 successor 后来者 ancestor / forebear 祖先 boom 繁荣,兴旺 词根scend 表示”爬” ascend 攀登,(轻薄物体的)上升 Fog ascended from the mountain. ascend to heaven bodiless go hiking 远足 go camping 露营 campus 校园 ascent n.上坡路 transcend 超越 07-3 Unit 2 25.Gasline is _____ by teh spark plugs in the engine A ignited B inspired C excited D illuminated ignite 点燃 ignore 忽视 ignorant adj. 无知的 ignorance n. 无知 annoy 使烦恼 be annoyed with sb. hum 表示”泥土” human 人 humid adj. 潮湿的 humidity n.湿度 humble 谦虚的,谦卑的 tumble 跌倒,摔倒 stumble 跌倒 gamble 赌博 含苞要谦虚,摊步会跌倒,我死都摊步依然要跌倒,干部爱赌博。 inspire 吸(气),启发 inspiration n.灵感 expire 断气,过期 expiration n. aspire 渴望(to doing) genius(天才)= inspiration(灵感)(1%) perspiration(汗水)(99%) illuminate 点亮,照亮,启发 illumine 点亮,照亮 elude 逃避 elusive 逃避的,难懂的 elusion n.逃避 illusion 幻觉