A.Listening Test 【注意:本试卷听力部分录音在“秘书英语听力录音三级05”中】 Ⅰ. Directions: Listen to the text about the meeting and choose the best answers for the questions. (5 questions, 2 marks for each question, 10 marks) 1. The saying probably take place________. (A) in the meeting room (B) at restaurant (C) in the opening ceremony of company (D) in the office 2. Who should have presided over the meeting? ________. (A) The man (B) Mr. Hampton (C) Susan (D) Mr. Smith 3. Why will Susan make notes?________. (A) Company will keep it (B) Mr. Hampton well get some information (C) Everyone will get a copy (D) The decision well be announced 4. Everyone will be allowed _______to speak. (A) 15 minutes (B) at least 15 minutes (C) 5 minutes (D) no more than 50 minutes 5. Which following statement is right? _______. (A) Only Mr. Smith will speak (B) Someone will speak (C) Everyone except Mr. Smith will speak (D) Everyone will speak Ⅱ. Directions: Listen to the dialogue and tell whether the following statements are True or False. Writ T for True and F for False in the brackets. (5 questions, 2 marks each question. 10 marks altogether) 1. [ ] The prices are given with agreement. 2. [ ] The man thinks the prices are too high. 3. [ ] The woman thinks that the cost of production has been raising in recent years. 4. [ ] The man will decide to order based on prices. 5. [ ] The man hopes that the prices can be reduced by 3 percent. B. written test Ⅰ. Vocabulary and structure Directions: For each of the following blanks, four choices are given. Choose the most appropriate one (1 mark each question, 20 questions, 20marks altogether) 1. The actual cost of the building was much higher than our original_______. (A) consideration (B) judgment (C) estimate (D) plan 2. The girls had so ______ in common that they soon became good friends. (A) little (B) few (C) much (D) many 3. What’s the matter with Harry? I don’t know, but he looks _______ this difficult math problem. (A) that (B) so that (C) as (D) as if 4. The boy spent half an hour ______ this difficult math problem. (A) having worked on (B) to work on (C) on work (D) working on 10. The real trouble ______ their lack of confidence in their abilities. (A) lies in (B) lies on (C) results in (D)leads to 11. Many old age pensioners have no other source of income and pension levels are not adequate______. (A) living on (B) to live on it (C) to live on (D) living on it 12. This popular sports car is now being _____ at the rate of a thousand a week. (A) turned down (B) turned out (C) turned up (D) turned on 13. By then our experiment had reached ______ stage. (A) a profound (B) a best (C) a future (D) a vital 15. Vicky, one of my doctoral students, had her dissertation ______ as soon as she finished _____ it. (A) to be typed, to write (B) typed, to write (C) being typed, writing (D) typed, writing 16. she hadn’t seen Peter for weeks, _______. (A) nor she had telephoned (B) nor she hadn’t telephoned (C) nor hadn’t she telephoned (D) nor had she telephoned 17. The patient we sent to hospital was _____ last night. (A) operated with (B) operated (C) operated on (D) operated at 18. He _____ when he was at high school but now he is famous all over the world. (A) often played tennis (B) did like tennis very much (C) was not much of a tennis-player (D) didn’t think much of tennis 19. Einstein’s theory of relativity seemed _____ when it was first introduced. (A) unbelievable (B) unaccountable (C) impossible (D) acceptable 20. Henry looked very much _____ when he was caught cheating in the biology exam. (A) discouraged (B) embarrassed (C) disappointed (D) bewildered