
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2009:08:21 20:58:56
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

gege">  要想在六级、考研、以及托福、雅思作文上获得高分,就要真正培养学生英文写作的良好习惯,因此必须从日常的英文学习入手。新概念三正是这样一本与上述考试写作部分难度相当的优秀教材,通过适当的模仿以及灵活运用其中的经典句型,我们可以迅速提高英文写作水平,从而拿到写作的高分。
  很多参加六级、考研、以及托福、雅思考试的同学在写作文时遇到的第一个问题是如何“破题”,面对作文题时,思路无法打开,不知道从何处下手。而新概念三册的课文则提供了高超的“破题”范本。以第七课《残钞鉴别组》(Mutilated Ladies)为例,作者用了一连串的问句开头,引起了读者的极大兴趣:Has it ever happened to you? Have you ever put your trousers in the washing macine and then remember there a large bank note in your back pocket? When you rescued your trousers, did you find the note was whiter than white? 我们在写作时,可以参考这种方法,以04年1月的六级作文题为例,Reduce waste on campus:
  Have you ever left your dorm forgetting to turn off the lights? Have you ever bothered to turn off the tap after washing your clothes? Have you ever seen tables covered with the remains of a meal when you go to the school cafeteria at dinner time? I bet your answers to some of these questions are ‘yes’, and …来源:
  再比如29课《是否可笑》(Funny or not?),作者开宗明义的表明了自己对于“幽默”的看法:Whether we find a joke funny or not largely depends on where we have been brought up. The sense of humour is mysteriously bound up with national characteristics。在这个框架中来讨论“幽默”,就可以做到有的放矢了。
  However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar. 来源:考的美女编辑们
  模仿这一句话的结构,我们可以在雅思作文Global Shortage of Energy Resources中运用这样一句话However, as the world’s population is growing rapidly, we are facing the danger of running out of energy resources, for the mass waste of energy by human beings is increasing at the same time.
  又比如47课《代价太高》(Too high a price?)中第三自然段在论述noise pollution的时用到的举例的手法。议论文举例不同于记叙文的举例,议论文要求每个例子都是高度提炼的,最好是一个句子一个例子,甚至一个句子包含多个例子,这样才能体现出文章丰富的信息量;而写记叙文可以只写一件事情,并且作者在进行写作时常常把这件高度细化:Lawn mowers whining on a summer’s day, late-night parties in apartment blocks, noisy neighbours, vehicles of all kinds, especially large container trucks thundering through quiet village, planes and helicopters flying overhead, large radios …
  Americans generally like a lot of physical space in their organizational lives. Many American clichés point to this, “Give me some space”, “Get out of my face”, “Back off”. Hand shakes last only a second or so. If two passengers remain after a crowded elevator has emptied, they immediately take chance like steps to their respective corners.
  新概念的文章不但结构清晰,行文流畅,而且语言极富表现力和感染力,令人体会到英语本身那风情万种的一面。比如,新概念三册课文中大量的修辞手法的运用,使得文章的内容更加形象化具体化。如果我们可以尝试这在考试作文中使用一些修辞手法,便可以提升文章的档次,给与阅卷老师良好的印象。如,We resolve to get up earlier each morning, eat less, find more time to play with the children, do a thousand and one jobs about the house, … (Lesson 50)
  通过模仿,以后我们在文章中提到两个差别很大的观点时,便可以写成:These two opinions are different from each other in a thousand and one ways.
  又如,Nothing can be compared, he maintains, with the first cockcrow, the twittering of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures. (Lesson 41)
  这一连串的描述生动地向我们展示了一幅黎明时分的田园风光。模仿这一句话,我们可以描写一个英俊的男子:Nothing can be compared with his bright eyes, great nose, red lips, and broad shoulders. 如果我们稍作改动,把“broad shoulders”改成“supple knees”,那这句话就可以用来描绘一个美丽的女子。


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大学英语六级词汇(拼读版) 013英语六级考试