Krugman: China needs to spur local demand金融英语考试
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2009:07:25 11:34:02
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
BEIJING, May 12 -- Paul Krugman was treated like a pop star on his first trip to China yesterday. His smiling visage was printed on a wall-size poster that had huge Chinese characters that read, ’the great prophet is coming!’
Some people paid 58,000 yuan for a ticket so that they could sit in the front row to hear him speak. Those who got cheaper tickets - the cheapest ones still cost 5,800 yuan each - sat a bit far away. The passageway was full of people, and there were many watching the live broadcast sitting in three rooms next door.
Yet, the 56-year-old Nobel Prize winning economist did not seem too excited at this adulation. "I feel exhausted," he said after he made the second speech at the Peking University yesterday.
Krugman’s schedule on his first trip to China was very tight. He appeared for a TV interview shortly after he landed in Beijing, and had to give four lectures in two cities over the next two days.
It was not simply due to jetlag, but "because all of our crises have come to our head at exactly the same time", the economics professor of Princeton and a New York Times columnist said.
He was referring to the worsening global economy, the financial crisis, and the global climate problem.
Although the global economic downturn was stabilizing, the stability was at a very low level, and a recovery was still very far ahead, Krugman said.
Krugman compared the global economy to that of a patient who had just been moved out of emergency room, but was still sick and very much in hospital.