
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2009:08:25 20:40:51
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

saozi">  Scripts:
  1. W: Its a pity you missed the concert yesterday evening. It was wonderful.
  M: I didnt want to miss the football game. Well, Im not a classical music fan anyway
  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
  2. W: Hey, if you cant enjoy that at a sensible volume, please use earphones. Im trying to study.
  M: Oh, Im sorry. I didnt realize it was bothering you.
  Q: What is the man probably doing?
  注:1. volume 音量来源:考
  2. earphones 耳机
  3. M: Can I help you, Ms?
  W: Yes, I bought this telephone last week. And it works all right with out-going calls, but it doesn’t ring for the in- coming ones.
  Q: Whats the problem with the womans telephone?
  but 题型
  4. W: I thought Tom said he got As in all his tests.
  M: Mary, you should know better than to take Toms words too seriously.
  Q: What does the man imply?
  注:1. got As/ got straight As/ got As in a row
  2. know better than to do 不至于傻到这样做吧
  5. W: Can you show me how to use this, John?
  M: Its fully automatic. All you have to do is focus on the scene and press the button here.
  Q: What are they talking about?
  注:1. focus on 聚焦
  2. button 按钮
  6. M: I think we should move on to the next item.
  W: OK, but Id like to take this matter up again at the end of the meeting.
  Q: What does the woman imply?
  but 题型
  注:take sth. up 提起,谈及来源:考
  7. W: You know, the Browns have invested all their money in stocks.
  M: They may think thats a wise move. But thats the last thing Id do.
  Q: Whats the mans opinion about the Browns investment?
  but 题型;替换题
  注:the last thing 表极端的厌恶,选项中找否定。
  A) He is often asked to go and see exhibits.
  B) He would like to go and see the exhibit.
  C) He went to see the exhibit last year.
  D) He definitely does not want to go.
  W: Would you like to go and see the new exhibit with us?
  M: Thats the last thing in the world I ever want to do.
  Q: What does the man mean?
  8. M: What is Mr. Peterson going to do with his old house on London Road, rent it or sell it?
  M: I heard hes thinking of turning it into a restaurant, which isnt a bad idea because its still a solid building.
  Q: What will Mr. Peterson do with his old house?
  9. M: How do you like Professor Bockmans course on the History of Philosophy? He is a distinguished scholar on that subject.
  M: He is a great teacher, but Im having a hard time with the reading list. I feel I cant ever finish it.
  Q: What problem does the woman have with the course?
  but 题型
  10. W: Robert wants to know if he can go with us to the party.
  M: Thats odd. This morning he said he wanted to go by himself.
  Q: What do we learn about Robert?来源:考的美女编辑们
  注:Thats odd/ ridiculous/ absurd
  Section B Compound Dictation
  President Clinton later today joins (S1) _______________ presidents Ford, Carter and Bush at "the presidents summit for Americas future" (S2) ______________ at recruiting one million volunteer tutors to provide after-school, weekend and summer reading help for up to three million children. Mr. Clinton will ask Congress this coming week for nearly three (S3) ______________ dollars to fund a five-year program called "America Reads".
  The program would fund the (S4) _______________ efforts of 20 thousand reading (S5) _________________ and it would also give (S6) ________________ to help parents help children read by the third grade, or about age eight. During his Saturday radio (S7) ______________, the president explained why the program is important. "We need America Reads and we need it now. Studies show that if the fourth-graders fail to read well, (S8) _____________________________. But, 40 percent of them still cant read at a basic level."
  Volunteer tutors, who provide community service in exchange for college funding are being used in literacy and tutoring programs. (S9) _____________________.
  The president says many of the Philadelphia summits corporate sponsors will recruit tutors. (S10) _______________________________________________________________________________________.
  S1--S7 考的是词 S8--S10 考的是句子结构:必须有主语和谓语
  可以用阿拉伯数字 句子必须有主语和谓语 注意首字母大写问题
  S8 They re likely to leave school and not likely to succeed.
  S9 The program, started by President Clinton, is criticism by Congress.
  S10 Many universities are sending many students to support the program.
  Section B
  S1 former S2 aimed S3 billion S4 coordination
  S5 specialists S6 grants S7 address来源:www.100test.com
  S8 They re likely to 0drop out of school and less likely to succeed in life.
  S9 The program, initiated by President Clinton, has come under criticism by Congress.
  S10 Dozens of colleges and universities are prepared to send thousands of their students in support of the program.
  Test 4-Passage Three BBC
  Test 6-Passage Three Interview
  Test 10-Passage Two American Movie


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大学英语六级词汇(拼读版) 014英语六级考试