文章作者 100test 发表时间 2011:03:18 04:26:29
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
Test-taker performance 2009
IELTS is assessed on a nine-band scale and reports scores both overall and by individual skill. Overall Band Scores for Academic and General Training candidates in 2008 are reported here together with scores for the individual skills.
General Training candidates achieved higher scores in Speaking and Listening relative to their performance in Writing and Reading. On average, mean scores for Academic candidates showed less variation across the skills, but the Writing module was the most challenging.
Around three-fourths of candidates (75.4%) took the Academic Reading and Writing modules with nearly a fourth (24.6%) taking the General Training Reading and Writing modules. Both Academic and General Training candidates take the same Listening and Speaking modules.
Mean band scores for female candidates, 2009
Listening听力 |
Reading阅读 |
Writing写作 |
Speaking口语 |
Overall总分 |
2008Overall 08年的总分 |
Academic(A类学术类) |
6.03 |
5.92 |
5.51 |
5.82 |
5.88 |
5.89 |
General Training(G类移民类) |
6.21 |
5.78 |
5.85 |
6.21 |
6.08 |
6.11 |
Mean band scores for male candidates, 2009
Listening听力 |
Reading阅读 |
Writing写作 |
Speaking口语 |
Overall总分 |
2008Overall 08年的总分 |
Academic(A类学术类) |
5.84 |
5.71 |
5.34 |
5.65 |
5.70 |
5.71 |
General Training(G类移民类) |
6.08 |
5.65 |
5.69 |
6.13 |
5.95 |
5.97 |
百考试题论坛 09年的全球雅思考生平均分在A类低于G类这一延续传统的背景下,体现于以往年份不同的变化趋势。在08年G类成绩相对往年大幅攀升的情况下,09年G类A类总分齐降。