文章作者 100test 发表时间 2011:08:14 20:25:41
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
27. AA 五年前搞了个比赛,三年后旅游人多了,现在为了刺激应该再搞一个刺激经济和人数
28. 就是那个In June,把luxury cars放大厅展览的时候,both luxury cars and inexpensive cars销量都很好,但是九月份把inexpensive cars放前厅的时候,销量不行,所以应该采用六月份的方法来促进销售
说是一个汽车分销商6月在当地报纸上打了luxury models的广告,并且把luxury models挪到展厅最显著的位置,结果6月总的sales大涨。2月展厅显著位置放的是不太贵的models,结果sales比较低。然后一个销售经理就说可见人们看到luxury models了就能选了什么variety of models,然后就建议常年把luxury models放在展厅中间。
V2. 一间车行6月份报纸广告和展示厅都主推豪华车,结果当月各档车销量都有上升。2月广告和展示厅都主推便宜的车款,结果销量较低。因此应该全年广告主打豪华车,并将豪华车放在展示厅的主要位置来吸引过客,从而增加潜在客户并提高各款车的销量。
V3: In January(好像是一月),we advertised luxury automobile model on the local newspaper and put the luxury automobile line in the front and central position in 好像是商场还是什么的一个地方,the combined sale of luxury models and inexpensive models reaches the highest of ?(好像是去年还是近几年)。While we advertised inexpensive automobile models on the local newspaper and put the luxury automobile line in the front and central position in….销售却下降了,所以如果我们要maximize our revenue, we have to put the luxury line in front and central position ,这样会吸引很多消费者,这样我们a variety of automobile 的收入就会上升。
29. Avia Airline last year做了一个survey, 一共1000人,其中9个人对baggage-handling有complaint, 于是说因为只有大概1%的人有抱怨this review is not important for the company’s goal to maintain or increase passengers. (意思是这样)
楼主的思路是:Survey 还是很重要的,但是这个survey不好,因为Survey 调查的人数太少,不具有representativeness, 没有说明调查方法,是不是一些unhappy的人都懒得抱怨最后就是说survey如果能避免以上错误,并加强内容的质量就更好了
No.39 The following appeared in an Avia Airlines departmental memorandum:
“On average, 9 out of every 1,000 passengers who traveled on Avia Airlines last year filed a complaint about our baggage-handling procedures. This means that although some 1 percent of our passengers were unhappy with those procedures, the overwhelming majority were quite satisfied with them. thus it would appear that a review of the procedures is not important to our goal of maintaining or increasing the number of Avia’s passengers.”
40. Avia航空的部门备忘录:
3和别的航空公司比较如何seriousness trivialize
1, 没有complaint不代表没有不满。
2, 没有跟其他公司对比,同时并不知道总数。
30. Fun Toy Company采取了一个职工培训计划program,让senior employees volunteer to take an new employees as their apprentice, 这样的话,new employees 就可以follow the pattern sets by the senior employees. 用这种方法, 可以减少培训成本,也不会time-consuming。因此,我们公司也应该仿效该公司,采取同样的方法来培训员工。
考古V1.Afun toys company successfully use the module which that senior employees take on an aprrence,让新员工观察老员工然后从中学习. 这样的话可以减少很多cost for training program。有人建议他们的公司应该学习这个fun toys company.
V2.The cost of training the new employee plays an important role in the overall expense of a company. 象the Fun Toys Company 发起一个Apprentice Training Progam. 他们给senior empoloyee发 salary bounus 如果他们自愿参加这个项目。在这个项目中new employee can learn business patterns from the senior employee这样来降低新员工的培训成本。 so no more expensive and cost programs are needed. 所以我们公司也应该象FUN Toys Company 一样用这中项目降低新员工培训的成本。”
31.是说在公司里面设置well-equipped gym,使得health insurance cost 减少50%的那个。
1. There is no causal relationship between the development of the employees’ health and the provision of a well-equipped gym.
2. Therefore, the reduction of the cost of group health insurance coverage expected by the author is not guaranteed.
3. Even if the provision of the gym can cause a reduction of the cost, no one can rely on it to achieve a balanced town budget since the health incidents occur very randomly.
32:一个制作accounting software的公司,他们制作两种software, 一种为了专业人士,一种为了非专业人士。第一种卖的一直很好,第二种卖的不如他的竞争者的好。一个survey显示,专业人士认为这个公司的软件好,是因为有advanced special feather。由此,得出结论说,如果把这些feather都加进非专业的软件,那么这个软件就会大卖。
“Currently, more professional accountants use SmartPro accounting software than any other brand. However, in the market for personal accounting software for non-professionals to use in preparing their income tax returns, many of our competitors are outselling us. In surveys, our professional customers repeatedly say that they have chosen SmartPro Software because our most sophisticated software products include more advanced special features than competing brands. Therefore, the most effective way for us to increase sales of our personal accounting software for home users would clearly be to add the advanced special features that our professional software products currently offer.”
Discuss how well reasoned . . .etc.
The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper:
“This past winter, 200 students from Waymarsh State College traveled to the state capitol building to protest against proposed cuts in funding for various state college programs. The other 12,000 Waymarsh students evidently weren’t so concerned about their education: they either stayed on campus or left for winter break. Since the group who did not protest is far more numerous, it is more representative of the state’s college students than are the protesters. Therefore the state legislature need not heed the appeals of the protesting students.”
1. 代表学生的形成方式不知道。如果是随机产生的,那么去反对的学生完全可以代表学生总体。
2. 没去的学生不一定不关心。他们可能有更重要的事情要忙。例如要赶回家过圣诞节。有已经订好的寒假计划等等。
3. 此外,没去的学生之所以没有去很可能是因为他们觉得那些代表足可以代表他们表达心声。