21.“在现代社会。众多的媒介中,比如网络啊,TV啊,RADIO啊。NEWSPAPER仍然是最重要的获取NEWS的媒介。” 22.Financial gain should be the most important factor when choosing a career。 【我写的是要分情况讨论。(1)如果家里很穷啊唯一的bread winner,那么就最先考虑income多少。(2)如果还可以的话,就有很多其他factors比如1.兴趣啊2.公司的文化价值观和你吻不吻合 3.还有其他各种比如 location啊医疗welfare啊还有和同事的关系啊什么的。】 23 a society is measured by scientific and artific achievement more than by business successes。 24 商业领导对社会的影响比政府大。 [v2] powerful business leader 还是government offcial 有更多的机会影响社区和国家的事情 “A powerful business leader has far more opportunity to influence the course of a community or a nation than does any government official.” [v3] business leaders have more opportunities to influence the course of community/nation than government officials