文章作者 100test 发表时间 2011:03:09 17:06:02
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
66. Which line in the following is perpendicular to line y = 5x
Answer include: y = -5x , y= (1/5)x, y = (-1/5)x
Answer y=(-1/5)x , as slope of line1 multiple slope of line2 = -1
V2 和y=5x垂直的。选y= -1/5 x
67. A new type of graph question, 30 students in a certain, please refer to the above graphic which indicate the relationship between the no of students and the frequency they did certain activity (not accurate), ask what’s probability for a student to did certain activity more than 1 time of the median (or average!! 友情提醒,一定要注意这个好像是Median我算成average了) of the group

V2 a chart, show how many students taking how much time to finish a task ask percentage
calculate the first two bars and the last bar
68. 2(2/3) 5(2/3) is how many times of 3/25
69. 已知根号下x-根号下y 根号 z=0,问下列式子哪个正确:有什么x平方 y平方-z平方 =0什么的,我不会哦,掉入低分裤啦。
70. 一帮人take driver test, writing test and road test. exactly pass one x% ask what the % passed at least one test answer either