1. 没有换题库 2. 狗狗的使用感受: 没有狗狗就绝没有我今天的成绩,非常万分感谢各位 数学非常有用,我看了五遍。上考场时,基本上有点难度的题,狗狗都涵盖了。 阅读和逻辑次之。咱阅读能力有限,每次语文部分的时间都不够用,主要看了阅读部分的主题和文章结构,这样看到熟悉题目不慌张。 语法用的是白勇的书,看了6遍,已经具备提取成分忽略次要甚至无关部分的能力。但是上考场还是会遇到凭语感做的语法题...... 还有个小tip,以前考试总是带红牛,喝多了总是考着试想唱歌;这次带的小罐的雀巢,每次休息喝一半,感觉还不错。 AI:7:“Businesses and other organizations have overemphasized the importance of working as a team. Clearly, in any human group, it is the strong individual, the person with the most commitment and energy, who gets things done.”题库号码:36 AA:20.Generally speaking, it is financially unwise for people quit stable office job and start working from home. It is there are a lot of distractions when people working from home. People working from home tend to procrastinate because there is no discipline. Also, working from home make people isolated. Therefore, it is financially more advantageous for people working in the office. 阅读遇到写实摄影,对称和非对称竞争,Chaos