文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:01:15 17:13:22
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
What I Did to Prepare:
1) Sent my package to PMI to get permission to take the test before I studied anything or took any courses.(I work best under pressure).This gave me a three month deadline in which I had to take the test (ie the PMI OK to take the test expired in three months).The first available time that the Sylvan learning center I went to (East Brunswick) had was two months out.
2) Took the IBM 2 day IBM prep course.(Humbling experience in that it showed me how much I needed to learn but was an excellent way to pick up good study materials.)
2 onthspassed with virtually no studying on my part other than reading the PMBOK Q&.A book (#SR23-8396-00 on pubs you should order this) out loud to my PMs over lunch (Thanks for listening and not throwing food!) and studying the Q&.A book occasionally over lunch at my desk.
. 2 weeks to go before the test
3) Read each chapter in the PMBOK and took the practice test for each chapter.(I failed about half of the tests),
4) I read the PMBOK glossary.
5) I studied the right answers to the chapter tests and retook each test.( I passed each
one, missing only a couple but was convinced all I had proven was that I had a good short term memory since I had just read the test with the right answers).
6) I waited a day and then took the practice tests again (third time).(I passed each one but not as solidly as before).
7) The day before the test I took the lotus notes practice test that Beth Ann Cyrus and Annmarie sent me twice.The first time I failed, the second time I passed. (Again, I am thinking that all I am proving is that I have a good short term memory).
B now I was very tense convinced that I was not ready for the test and thinking what a waste of money that I had signed up before I was ready.Instead of staying up and studying some more, I went to bed early trying to sleep so I would be rested, not that I got much sleep!
8) I arrived at the testing center one hour early, and read the PMBOK glossary for a second time in the car.
9) Took the test and passed.Morale - we know more than we think we do, my prior PM experience helped out a lot, and studying to pass is very different than studying to get an "A" like we did in college years ago
What I remember about the test:
1) The time allocation was more than sufficient, I took about half the time allocated.You can mark questions you want to come back to and review them later.I answered all, marked about 70 and reviewed those 70 after I was done.I changed maybe 4 answers, then I remembered the advise to go with first instincts so I stopped changing answers.
2) Lots of questions on earned value, but very little interpretive mostly straight calcs or identifying the right formula, one actual word problem where you had to pull out the data from the paragraph.
3) Lots of situational questions that described a project situation and asked what should the PM do.
4) Know the difference between quality assurance and quality control.Know the kinds of quality charts and tools
5) Not as much memorization on what are inputs, outputs and tools, but some of these.
6) The practice tests seemed harder than the real thing.
7) Lots of questions on leadership styles, what would be appropriate for a given situation.
8) Hitting the button to say I was done was actually harder than answering the questions!