神木县第三中学八年级英语期中测试卷 中考考试

文章作者 100test 发表时间 2009:07:08 01:10:53
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

(UNIT 1-3)
第一卷 选择题
一、听力。 (25分)
1、A. call B. tall C. small
2、A. sir B. third C. shirt
3、A. time B. term C. team
4、A. piece B. please C. sees
5、A. day B. say C. may
1 A. Tom often goes to school by bike.
B. Tom never goes to school by bike.
C. Tom always goes to school by bike.
2 A. Mary sometimes goes swimming with her friend.
B. Mary sometimes goes swimming with her parents.
C. Mary sometimes goes swimming with her friends.
3 A. I can see fifty birds in the picture.
B. I can see fifteen birds in the picture.
C. I can see five birds in the picture.
4 A. Doesn’t Alice usually get up so early, Mrs. Green?
B. Does Alice usually get up so early, Mrs. Green?
C. Doesn’t Alice usually get up very early, Mrs. Green?
5 A. How many students come to school by bus every day?
B. How many students come to school by bike every day?
C. How many students come to school on foot every day?
1 A. No, she doesn’t B. Yes, she does. C. Yes, she has.
2 A. Come here B. Here you are C. Excuse me
3 A. He’s eating apples B. He’s carrying a heavy box. C. He’s shopping
4 A. That’s all right B. I’m sorry I’m late. C. It doesn’t matter
5 A. It’s May. B. It’s fine. C. It’s Sunday.
1 Mary’s sister is Rose.
2 Rose is only five, but she can read and write.
3 One day Rose is writing a letter to her friend, Mike.
4 Mary tells Rose not to write to Kate.
5 Both Rose and Kate don’t know how to read or write.
1 Danny says, “I don’t know ____________. ”
A also B either C too D good
2 This pair of shoes ___________ very beautiful. They are green. ”
A is B are C be D was
3 She likes to swim ___________ exercise.
A of B in C for D on
4 I like to play football and hate to play ________ piano.
A some B a C the D an
5 Don’t be late ___________ class next time.
A at B for C to D in
6 “It’s three thirty ” is the same as “It’s _________”
A a quarter past three B half past three
C half an hour D half past two
7 In Canada, there are ________ Chinese restaurants.
A a lots of B a lot C lots of D lot of
8 He will be ________ home in two days.
A away from B away C from D far from
9 Thank you _______ your nice present.
A by B to C for D with
10 _______ colour do you want?
A What B Which C Where D When
11 How many English words _____ you _____ this term?
A did, learn B have,learned C do,learn D had,learned
12 It’s an interesting book, _________?
A doesn’t it B isn’t it C is it D does it
13 They ________ in Xi’an for three years.
A worked B work C have worked D working
14 Parents should make their children _______ their homework and children must try to make their parents __________.
A to finish, happy B finishing, happily
C finish, happily D finish, happy
15 Girls like to _________ sweaters.
A put on B dress C in D wear
16 Our desks are made ________ wood.
A of B from C in D up of
17 I have two brothers. One is a doctor, _______ one is a teacher.
A other B the other C others D another
18 Do you know the girl ________ Mary?
A name B names C naming D named
19 The little girl doesn’t ________ her mother.
A looks like B look like C likes D liked
20 September 10th is _________ .
A teacher’s day B teachers’ day
C Teacher’s Day D Teachers’ Day
What do you do at the weekend ? Some people like to __1__ at home, but others like to go __2__ a walk or to play football. My friend Jack works hard in a factory during (在……期间) the __3__ . At the weekend, he always __4__ the same thing. On Saturday he __5__ his car and on __6__ he goes with his family to a village(村庄) by car. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isn’t a __7__ one, but there’s always __8__ to do on it. The children help to give the animals their __9__ . Jack and his wife help in the fields. At the end(结束) of the day, they are all __10__ and Jack’s aunt gives them a big meal.
( ) 1 A. play B. live C. stay D. enjoy
( ) 2 A. to B. for C. in D. at
( ) 3 A. day B. time C. autumn D. week
( ) 4 A. does B. makes C. borrows D. has
( ) 5 A. watches B. driving C. sells D. washes
( ) 6 A. Monday B. Sunday C. Saturday D. Wednesday
( ) 7 A. small B. big C. hard D. short
( ) 8 A. much B. little C. fast D. far
( ) 9 A. clothes B. places C. food D. water
( ) 10 A. clean B. late C. hungry D. friendly
四、 阅读理解。(20分)
There are many mice(老鼠) in a house. The man of the house gets a cat. The cat kills many of the mice.
Then the oldest mouse(老鼠) says, “All the mice must come to my room and we will think what we can do about the cat , ” All the mice come. Many mice speak, but none(没有人) knows what to do . At last a young mouse stands up and says: “We put a bell(铃铛) on the cat , then when the cat comes near, we shall hear the bell and run away and hide(藏) . So the cat will not catch any more mice.”
Then the old mouse asks, “Who will put bell on the cat?” No mouse answers.
At last he says, “It is not hard to say things, but it is hard to do them.”
( ) 1 . The cat kills ________ .
A a lot of young mice B a lot of old mice
C many young and old mice D many old mice
( ) 2 . The oldest mouse asked all mice _______ .
A to come to the house B to go to the room
C to come to his room D to go to the man’s room
( ) 3 . None knows _________ .
A how to do B how to kill the cat
C what they do D what to do about the cat
( ) 4 . _____ will put the bell on the cat.
A Someone B None
C The old D The young
( ) 5 . The passage tells us _________ .
A to go things is easy B to say things is hard
C to say things is easier than to do them D to say and do things is hard


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