文章作者 100test 发表时间 2009:07:08 00:47:02
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
金融世界 第十六讲
在前几讲中我们介绍了 floating exchange rates 和 fixed exchange rates,浮动汇率与固定汇率。我们谈到了中央银行对市场进行干预会对汇率及经济活动产生的影响。
那么,什么是中央银行呢?它在一个国家的经济活动中扮演的是什么角色呢?在今天的节目中我们就要谈谈中央银行 central bank 或储备银行 reserve bank 的功能和职责。
Central banks are key economic policy institutions in most modern economies. But around the world, the role and functions of central banks have been under challenge from changing fashions in monetary policy and form the deregulation and globalisation of financial markets. During its brief history, Australia s Reserve Bank has been required to act as banker to government, regulator of the financial system and administrator of monetary policy.
1 central bank 中央银行
2 reserve bank 储备银行
3 deregulation 解除管制
4 globalisation 全球化
5 regulator 管理者,调整者
6 administrator 管理人
1 exclusive 专门的,专有的,排他的
2 vitally important 极其重要的
3 lender of last resort 最后贷款者,为其它银行提供贷款的银行,这是中央银行的职能之一
4 commercial banks 商业银行
5 liquid assets 流动资产,指可以迅速变成现金而不会有价值损失或损失较小的资产
6 bail out 帮助...摆脱困境
The central banks usually began their existence as a banker that dealt exclusively with the national government, that really provides credit to the government of the country and in return for so doing, gets particular privileges which quite often is a monopoly on the issue of paper money.
From that strength, as these banks become large and important they acquire, almost by natural process, a third and vitally important function and that is what we ve called a lender of last resort.
They cecome the banker for commercial bnaks. They re seen to be safe, other banks will put money on deposit with them. They become a leader of the banking community and in times of crisis it s this central bank that can assist bnaks who get into trouble.
Now, there s a price to pay to be in the club, to have a central banker, and that is usually there is a set of sort of informal rules grow up about the behaviour of the other banks. They will hold a certain amount of capital, they ll hold some of their liquid assets on deposit with the central bank. If you re going to be bailed out you have to abide by convention.