open函数 # include <. fcntl. h>. int open ( const char * pathname, int oflag, ` ` ` ) . //仅当open创建文件时才使用第三个参数 oflag参数主要有: O_RDONLY 只读 O_WRONLY 只写 O_RDWR 读写 这些参数都定义在<.fcntl.h>. 中。 open返回的文件描述符一定是最小的未用描述符数字。 if ( ( fd = open( "file.hole" ,O_RDWR | O_CREAT, FILE_MODE) ) <. 0) //别忘创建文件的"" err_sys( "creat error" ) . 其中FILE_MODE是作者自己定义的 FILE_MODE在apue.h中定义: #define FILE_MODE (S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH) S_IRUSR Permits the file s owner to read it. S_IWUSR Permits the file s owner to write to it. S_IRGRP Permits the file s group to read it. S_IWGRP Permits the file s group to write to it.