
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2009:07:07 23:06:35
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

  I recently moved to Grand Cayman to avoid London in the recession. Im house-sharing with a friend of a friend, and came home recently to find him in a compromising position on the sofa with my boss. The problem, besides feeling as if my mum is dating my headteacher, is that my boss has told me she has strong feelings for him – but I know he is seeing at least three other women. I dont feel comfortable discussing it with either of them. Will I be judged by my boss once the truth comes out? Do I risk ruining an otherwise peaceful (and cheap) house-share to protect my boss?
  Consultant, male, 25
  In conventional organisations, knowledge is power. If you know something scurrilous about your boss, you have a weapon against her. In less conventional ones, knowledge is dangerous. If you have dirt on your boss, your boss can take you out. I fear your outfit may fall into the second group. 我要收藏
  Your problem is not just that you stumbled on your mother embracing the headteacher. That must have been traumatic, but is now in the past. The difficulty is that your mother has chosen to confide in you.
  Your boss has now breached all the usual divides between professional and personal life and by treating you like an intimate, she makes you feel you ought to tell her about your lothario flatmate. I beg you not to do this: you would be jeopardising your cheap lodgings and will make her doubly dislike you.
  I dare say she dislikes you already: that she has confided in you is almost certainly born of distrust more than trust. You burst in on her doing something dubious and she is trying to neutralise it by involving you. Unless she is a very odd woman indeed, she would not pick the newest hire, and a young man at that, as a confidant on matters of the heart.
  To prevent further confidences, you must adopt the role of gauche young Englishman (even if you are not English, this is the best role for you). Next time you must blush and look uncomfortable and give surprised utterances such as “Oh dear me”. This will make these conversations so sticky that she will desist. And when the blow falls on her she will be less likely to take revenge on you.
  You could solve the problem by coming back to recession-hit London, where you would be less likely to have such excitements in your life. Though you would also be less likely to have a job.


职场双语:企业家,别忘了孩子 口译笔译
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