A little later in the night Holly: Still no sign of Bryan? Maybe he s at the Village Halloween Parade! Yi-jun: Maybe. I just wish he d call! Holly: You know, we hrow a great party! Yi-jun: The spaghetti and hard-boiled eggs grossed people out! Holly: And the Jell-o. I thought no one would fall for that anymore. Yi-jun: Gimi was washing his hands for like ten minutes! [laughs as Taylor sneaks up to scare the two]. Holly: [To Taylor] Give it up, Taylor. I saw you coming a mile away! [to Yi-jun] Hey, isn t that the werewolf from... (续上期,待续) 当晚稍晚百考试题(www.Examda。com) 荷莉:还是没看到布莱恩?或许他去参加格林威治村的万圣节游行了! 怡君:或许吧。我只希望他能打电话来! 荷莉:我们办了场不错的派对! 怡君:那些意大利面和白煮蛋让大家快恶死了! 荷莉:还有那个果冻。我还以为现在已经没有人会被这种东西唬了。 怡君:吉米洗了大概十分钟的手吧!(怡君笑的同时,泰勒走来吓两人) 荷莉:(对泰勒)算了吧,泰勒。我老远就看到你过来了!(对怡君)嘿,那不就是那天那个狼人…… 重点解说: ★ spaghetti (n.) 意大利面 ★ hard-boiled (a.) 煮得老的。hard-boiled egg是‘白煮蛋’ ★ gross out 使人作呕 ★ Jell-o (n.) 果冻。这原是商标名,现在已经广泛指称‘果冻’ ★ fall for 上……的当来源:www.examda.com ★ sneak 偷偷地走,溜 ★ throw a party 办派对百考试题