Beijing costlier than HK, survey finds金融英语考试
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2009:06:15 10:21:23
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong have jumped in a year to be ranked among the world s 30 most expensive cities for tourists and expatriate workers.
The Chinese capital surpassed Hong Kong, a city well known for its lavish lifestyle, as it rocketed from 104th to 26th position in the latest cost of living survey by ECA International, a human resources company.
Shanghai jumped from 111th to 28th position in the March survey and Hong Kong moved 69 places to become the world s 29th most expensive city.
The survey found that as America and Europe bore the brunt of the recession, strong Asian currencies were pushing up the cost of living for staff assigned to major Asian locations.
The survey, which featured 15 Chinese cities and is conducted twice a year, compares a basket of 125 consumer goods and services commonly purchased by international assignees in over 370 locations worldwide.