在本次的 SpringONE Europe 会议上,SpringSource 可以说是动作连连。 1. 发布新的 Spring 框架补丁版本 。 2. 发布新的 Spring 家族产品 Spring Roo 。 3. 并且宣布 Spring Tool Suite 将免费提供给开发人员使用。 4. SpringSource 收购 Hyperic 。 Spring Roo 是一种 Spring 开发的辅助工具,当你感叹 Ruby on Rails,CakePHP,Seam Gen时,或许应该尝试一下Spring Roo。 Spring 官方博客的 Spring Roo 介绍 。 下载 Spring Roo ,当前最新版本是 1.0 Alpha 2。 解压至硬盘,设置环境变量 ROO_HOME ,指向 roo 所在的目录。并将 $ROO_HOME/bin 添加到系统的 Path 中。 在Linux 你可以写入当前用户的 .bashrc 文件。 export ROO_HOME=/home/hantsy/libs/java/roo-1.0.0.A2 export PATH=$PATH:$ROO_HOME/bin 执行 source ~/.bashrc 让它立即生效。 执行 roo.sh ,你可以进入 Spring Roo 命令行操作界面。 [hantsy@localhost samples]$ ../bin/roo.sh ____ ____ ____ / __ \/ __ \/ __ \ / /_/ / / / / / / / / _, _/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ |_|\____/\____/ Welcome to Spring ROO. For assistance press TAB or type "hint" then hit ENTER. roo>. 你可以输入 help,查看帮助信息。 roo>. help * */ - End of block comment * /* - Start of block comment * // - Inline comment markers * . - Inline comment markers * create project - Creates a new project * database properties - Shows database configuration details * database remove - Removes a particular database property * database set - Changes a particular database property * date - Displays the local date and time * development mode - Switches the system into development mode (greater diagnostic information) * exit - Exits the shell * help - Shows system help * hint - Provides step-by-step hints and context-sensitive guidance * metadata for id - Shows detailed information about the metadata item * metadata for type - Shows detailed metadata for the indicated type * metadata summary - Shows statistics on the metadata system * metadata trace - Traces metadata event delivery notifications (0=none, 1=some, 2=all) * new controller manual - Create a new manual Controller (ie where you write the methods) * new dod - Creates a new data on demand for the specified entity * new integration test - Creates a new data on demand for the specified entity * property file details - Shows the details of a particular properties file * property file remove - Removes a particular properties file property * property file set - Changes a particular properties file property * props - Shows the shell s properties * quit - Exits the shell * script - Parses the specified resource file and executes its commands * version - Displays shell version ** Type hint (without the quotes) and hit ENTER for step-by-step guidance **