Some people think that increasing business and cultural contact have a positive influence to development. Others think that it has a negative effect on national identities. What is your opinion? 一转眼,又是一年清明节将到,还记得去年清明的时候,阅读考试特别难,有些同学揶揄说考完立马直奔银行,交下一次的雅思考试!今日此时,雅思还是雅思,考生则换了一批又一批。总的来讲,比去年的考试会简单些。 阅读个人认为考T/F/NG题型的数量不会太多,但是会大量出现list of headings题型和summary题型,当然,段落配对题和matching题型也会出现若干题量。但总的来说,阅读不会太难。文章主要以科普类文章,人文类文章为主,特别要留意多选题的做题方式和阅读的时间把握。 小作文很有可能会出现地图题和流程图,但是不会太难。特别是流程图的题目难度系数有所下降。 表格和柱状图的考试可能性也会增加。 大作文出现新题的可能性很大,但不会逃脱一下几大话题:教育,文化,社会,环境。 因此,建议广大考生重点去看以下的题目,并进行写作训练: The work in the world now is changing rapidly so people can not depend on their job. What are the reasons of this phenomenon and how to resolve it? In many countries traditional foods are being replaced by international fast foods. People think there is a negative effect on both familiese and societies. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Some people believe the personal happiness is directly related with the economic success, while other people believe that it is related with different factors. Discuss the two sides and give your own opinion. In order to protect the appearance and character of a city or town, we should build all our new buildings in traditional cultural identity. Do you agree? The exposure to international media, such as films, tv and magazines, has the impact on the lacal culture. Discuss. Some people think that increasing business and cultural contact have a positive influence to development. Others think that it has a negative effect on national identities. What is your opinion? Modern cities have good condition about education and medical, so it is acceptable to send new teachers and doctors to rural area to improve the poor condition. Discuss and give your own opinion. The multi- societies, which mixed with different ethnic people,may bing more benefits than its drawbacks to a country. To extent do you agree or disagree? Earlier technological development brought to more benefits and changed the life of ordinary people than the recent technological developments. To what extent, do you agree or disagree? The best way to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel. To what extent you agree with or disagree? Housing shortage in big cities could cause severe consequence,. Only the government action can solve this problem. Do you agree or disagree. History is little or nothing to tell people. Others thinks that people must study history to understand at the present. Discuss.