2008年11月13-11月16日第114期托福英语学习:托福词汇114 希望大家在学习完之后,选一个或几个单词,通过跟帖的方式来造句子,进步就是这样积累出来了! Nowhere to hide 无处躲藏http://ks.examda.com Supported by the most powerful military hardware ever assembled, a heterogeneous force of soldiers from a large number of nations is hiking across the most inaccessible terrain, hewing its way across any obstacle that may stand in its way. The first step is to hermetically seal off any means of escape, following which these forces wil not hesitate to go after their perceived enemies wherever they find them. There is nothing at all hilarious about what is going on. There is no way to simply go on a hike and find a place to hide from these attacks. Nor is there anywhere to aimply disappear to and hibernate until the war blows over. Even the last hermit in his cave will have found out by now that just saving his precious hide has become a very precarious endeavour, indeed. Heroism counts for little in this kind of scenario. The highlight of these actions is nothing other than destruction. Power is everything. And everything is power. The government of any country that is hesitant to commit ist combatants to these hideous campaigns will soom be taught a powerful lesson. It’s “goodbye!”to the european humanistic heritage. These war games very clearly highlight who is in charge, and who is who in the hierarchy of nations. Initial hilarity in the capitals of the countries so attacked has long given way to despair. In ages to come, the present age may well be remembered as the heyday of the superpower. 来自许多国家的由不同种族组成的军队配备着有史以来最强大的武器装备。徒步行进在最难以进入的地带,扫除路上的一切障碍开辟出一条路,第一步是严密地封闭任何逃跑路线。这之后,这支军队就会毫不犹豫地在任何地点冲向他们发现的敌人。正在发生的事情毫无乐趣可言。 简直无法在徒步行进的同时再找地方躲避敌人的攻击。也没有地方可以隐匿。蛰伏直到战争过去。就连最后一个洞里的隐居者现在也已经发现要保护他那宝贵的隐藏之地确实都成了很危险的任务。 在这类剧情概要中,英勇的行为并不重要。这些战斗最重要的部分不过是破坏。权力就是一切。一切就是权力。任何犹豫不定地让它的战士参加这些可怕的战役的国家政府将立即得到一个强有力的教训。这是对欧洲人文主义传统的告别。这些战争游戏很清晰地点明了谁是主宰,以及各自在国家等级中的地位。在遭受攻击的各国家首都,起初的欢乐早就被绝望取代。在未来的时代中,现在的时代很可能被人们当作超级大国的全盛期而留在记忆中。 Heritage n.遗产,继承物,传统 Hermetically adv.密封地 Hermit n.隐士,隐居者来源:考试大 Heroism n.英雄品质,英勇 Hesitant adj.迟疑的,犹豫不定的 Hesitate vi.犹豫,踌躇 Heterogeneous adj.异类的,不同的 Hew vt.砍,伐,削 Heyday n.全盛期来源:考试大 Hibernate vi.冬眠 Hide n.兽皮,隐藏处, vi.隐藏,掩藏 Hideous adj.骇人听闻的,可怕的 Hierarchy n.阶层,等级制度 Highlight vt.使显著,突出, n.最显著(重要)部分 Hike v.远足,徒步步行。 n.徒步旅行 Hilarious adj.十分有趣的,欢闹的 Hilarity n.欢乐,热闹。百考试题(www.Examda。com) 百考试题祝大家:Merry Christmas !