在GRE以及GMAT的ISSUE题库中,领导者、领袖类话题很重要,直接和间接的辐射了很多GRE和GMAT的issue题目,政治类话题,商业类话题,科技类话题里面的政治家,企业家等等。下面我们具体举例展示以及分析在ISSUE写作中能用上的一个优秀的高效的领导者的特征: It is true that a leader would be very effective if he is able to solve complex problems by finding simple, immediate solutions. With such capability, the leader is then able to guide his members in the team on how to solve complex problems. Besides, if the time taken for a leader to solve a complex problem is short, that makes the leader an incredible one. However, being able to solve complex problems by finding simple solutions immediately is not sufficient to conclude if the person is the most effective leader. He should also be able to identify potential issues and take preventive measures to prevent them from developing into complex problems as well as able to prevent such problems from recurring in future. 更多信息请访问:百考试题外语站点 百考试题外语论坛