2.21的作文考了Report(YU测的二级预测命中),所以接下来几次考试Report的警报可以基本排除了,不管怎么样还是希望在这个2月份最后一天考雅思的同学们好运哦! 一级预测(Highly Possible):意识形态类(抽象类) 入选理由:这次还是赌抽象类!2009年至今唯一还没考到过的题型,接下来无论如何应该登场露一小脸了。 推荐练习真题: (2007.8.25) Some people think that it is necessary to save money for the life after retirement. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 二级预测(Possible): 青少年教育类 入选理由:根据往年经验,一般考完Report之后的一次考试有很多时候考的都是青少年教育类的topic(比如2007年1月),所以这次教育类topic出现的可能性也不小。 推荐练习真题: (2007.7.7) In some countries, schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In some other countries, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. For today’s world, which system do you think is more appropriate? 三级预测(Maybe......):政府决策类 教育类 入选理由:“混搭”是今年雅思写作考试的一个重要特点,而且考官貌似尤其喜欢出一些和政府决策有关的教育话题,所以也稍微准备一下吧! 推荐练习真题: (2007.9.22) Higher education can be funded in several ways. 1. All costs by the government 2. All costs by the students 3. Government loan (Repaid by the students after graduation) What are the benefits of each method? Which one is the best from your point of view? 图表作文重点关注:Table (上次考的是bar chart)