文章作者 100test 发表时间 2009:04:10 00:30:38
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
金融世界 第八讲
1 productive efficiency 生产效率
2 allocative efficiency 配置效率
3 dynamic efficiency 动态效率
4 exchange efficiency 交换效率
今天我们要谈的话题是 competition - 竞争。
要获得所有形式的效率,必须要有“完全竞争”,也就是 perfect competition。而完全竞争需要有两个先决条件:
1 有大量生产者各生产产品的一小部分。
2 产品必须完全一致,使消费者不会对任何一个生产者的产品有任何特别的选择或偏爱。
现实生活中的竞争是“可行竞争”,英文是 workable competition,也叫做“不完全竞争”,英文是 imperfect competition。
1 competition 竞争
2 perfect competition 完全竞争
3 workable competition or imperfect competition 可行竞争或不完全竞争
The alternative to competition is monopoly, where there s a single supplier of a good or a service and that person konwing there s no competition has the opportunity to put up prices. There s no great pressure on them to keep their costs down and to be efficient.
So it s that competitive pressure that tends to make markets respond to what consumers want, to offer the best deals, and also to be technically progressive, to innovate under the pressure of competition.
费尔斯在谈话中用了这样一个词汇:monopoly - 垄 断。