通知: 思科9月6日开始,改提前28天为提前90天以上支付考试款项! 9月6日开始如果您的位置正好在3个月内28天外的Lab考生,也就是Lab位置日期处于2008-09-06~~ 2008-12-04之间的,将不能自主随心0drop和更换位子,直到28天期限到达,仍未支付的将被Cisco系统回收重抛。 而9月6日之后才进入90天期限的考生Lab位置则以前28天遵循的规则处理,只是日期提前到了三个月,提前三个月Cisco认证系统检查状态。未支付的考生Lab位置回收重抛,支付的考生位置不得自己0drop或更换给他人。 特此通知,请各位CCIE考生互相转告。 原文: 29 August 2008 Policy Change to Payment for CCIE Labs In effort to improve the availability of CCIE lab exams Cisco has 0updated the CCIE lab payment process. On September 6, 2008 the payment policy for CCIE labs will be as follows: Payment in full is due 90 days (calendar) prior to your lab date. Payment must be received to confirm your date. After 90 days refunds will not be available for cancelled lab dates. The change in this policy will allow for lab seats to be open in a timely manner and create more desirable time frames. If you have questions or want to confirm you are within the 90 day window please contact customer support.