文章作者 100test 发表时间 2009:04:10 00:28:16
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
Cisco has introduced the mobile lab program to provide candidates greater access to Lab testing while greatly reducing travel time and expenses. Mobile CCIE Labs provide a convenient and cost-effective method for candidates to test for CCIE Routing and Switching in areas which do not have permanent lab locations.
The Mobile CCIE Lab reduces the need for costly travel, hotel, passport, and visa fees, missed days of work and the need to leave the country to take the CCIE Lab exam.
Scheduled Mobile Lab Location: Scheduled Dates:
Karachi, Pakistan Oct 13-17
Cairo, Egypt Oct 26-30
Istanbul, Turkey Nov 3-7
Johannesburg, South Africa Nov 24-28

How Do I Get Started?
Contact the Business Development Manager for your region to learn more details about the mobile test labs.
Business Development Manager Region
Gert DeLaet Middle East &. Africa
Danny Gooris Russia, Central Europe &. Eastern Europe
Ashok Balakrishnan Asia Pacific (excluding China)
Wang Ying China
Kuniko Oka Japan
Joaquin Lopez Latin America
Tejas Vashi US/Canada &. Western Europe