下面哪个文件包含了供 nfs daemon 使用的目录列表? a. /etc/nfs b. /etc/nfs.conf c. /etc/exports d. /etc/netdir
如何停止一台机器的telnet服务? a. put none in /etc/telnet.allow b. put a line ’all:all’ in /etc/hosts.deny c. comment the telnet entry in /etc/inittab d. comment the telnet entry in /etc/inetd.conf
在哪个文件中保存了sendmail的别名? a. /etc/aliases b. /etc/mailaliases c. /etc/sendmail.aliases d. /etc/sendmail/aliases
smbd and nmbd daemons 的配置文件是: a. /etc/exports b. /etc/smb.conf c. /etc/samba/config d. /usr/local/samba.cfg
下面哪个命令用来卸载一个内核模块? a. rmmod b. unmod c. delmod d. modprobe 什么情况下必须运行lilo a. once a day from cron b. once a week from cron c. after installing a new kernel d. after installing a new module
什么命令显示所有装载的模块? a. lsmod b. dirmod c. modules d. modlist
下面哪个命令刷新打印机队列? a. lpflush b. lprm - c. lpclear d. lprm all