哎,看来不如意者十之八九。我的听力尤其是第二部分, 简直就是绝望,听力下来整个人就快崩溃了。 阅读应该还凑合,改错是我的强项,基本能全对的。 但是写作就是a big mess 了, 因为我是裸考,写作之前从没有动过一笔,估计也是死翘翘了。口语应该能过吧,虽然一直在说,说到被老师打断为止,但是自我感觉语言质量不高。总之,有可能从头再来。 说一下口语的我抽到的题:第一部分无非就是:something about your job or studies/ future career plan. 第二部分:我抽的是: Purchasing: the importance of obtaining raw materials from the local suppliers. 第三部分: A tour company heard that many customers complained about the services offered by a chain hotel it often uses. you are asked to offer some ways to solve the problem. 总之都有话说的。但是能得多少分, 就看考官的意思了。God bless me!! Amen.