讲work in family is needed in britain. 先讲rigid time of work 和 family life 有很大的冲突(注意里面的人名,后面都跟着时间,很好找,有题),然后引出work in family,接下来是一个调查,有4-5个段落,注意里面的数字和百分比,后面的ture false not given 题考到很多。最后是结论,讲到一些已经允许employee在家工作的公司所获得的好处less absenteeism and more productivity。(后面的填空题)
passage 2 the true cost of food
先讲虽然现在food很便宜,但是由于环境污染,food的价格里面其实包括了很多本来可以免掉的成分。然后说道了agriculture industry以及基因食品。紧接着介绍了一个教授(名字首字母是p)的survey,具体说到了food price里面到底包含了哪些cost,包括保护环境的花费,治疗疾病的花费等等,最后p教授提出解决方法,就是要less depandent on agriculture industry(有题)。然后说虽然这是一个大的jump in thinking and practices,但是需要马上实施。
passage 3 beach erosion
task 1 一个表格题,是男女做家务的时间,女的总共245minutes(per hour per day)主要在washing up(78),男的共143,主要是repaires and gardening
task 2
computers do not help children to learn more effectively. on the contrary, computers used in schools have negative effect on childrens physical and mental development.
to what extend, do you agree or disagree?
a enjoyable film,wether it sad or happy,what kind of film,explain why you enjoy it. ; some questions about gift, people give what gift to childen? change? when? advertisement ? brand name ? school, city, advertisement, good change in your life------ major, gift, a day, leisure time ,weeekdays traditional clothes about school, kinds of school, about a house, what kind of house do you like, old person the time of a day you enjoy most describe a thing you made of yourself famous people