CET6淘金词汇第十四课le on14

文章作者 100test 发表时间 2008:04:02 14:25:30
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

penalty .n.处罚,惩罚,罚金
A football player may be given a yellow card or a red card penalty .足球队员在比赛中会受到 黄牌或红牌处罚
for his unnecessary roughness during the match. .因其不必要的粗暴行为.

position .n.位置,方位.地位,职务. 姿势.见解,立场 vt.安放,放置,安置
I am not in a position to lend you money because I am broke myself. .我没能力借钱给你,因为 我自己也花光了.
Many fans position themselves in the Beijing airport to greet Ricky Martin. .许多歌迷站在北京机场的 出口处迎接瑞奇.马丁.

promise .vt.允诺.有指望,有前途
promise .n.承诺,诺言.希望,出息 vt.允诺,答应. 有...可能,有希望

Remember to carry out your promise.(Remember to carry out what you have promised.) .记住要履行诺言.
Clouds give promise of rain.(Clouds promise rain.) .阴云预示着雨的来临.

reference .n.提到,谈及.参考,查阅. 参考书目.证明书(或人) 推荐信(或人)
We are now forwarding you a catalog for your reference. .现寄去我方产品目录以供 参考.
I asked for a reference letter from IBM Company when I resigned. .我辞职的时候向IBM公司 索取了自荐信.

resource .n.
The Department of Human Resources is an important department in many big companies. .人力资源部是许多大公司 的一个重要部门.
Zhuge Liang was a man of great resource. .诸葛亮是个足智多谋 的人.

scan .vt.细看,审视. 浏览.扫描 n.扫描
Many people like to scan the newspaper while having breakfast .许多人喜欢在吃早饭的时 候浏览一下报纸.
Migrating wild geese scan the ground for possible danger before they land. .迁徙野鹅在着陆之前总要 细看有无危险.

sheer .a.完全的,十足的. 陡峭的,垂直的. 极薄的,透明的
Sucess is not achieved by sheer luck. .成功不是完全靠运气取 得的.

sheer .ad.垂直的,陡峭的 v.(~off)急转向,偏离
"Mentholatum" sheer color balm is a new product loved by young girls. .“曼秀雷敦”薄色润唇膏 是新推出的产品,受到女 孩子们的喜爱.


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