
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2008:04:02 14:09:18
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

occasionally -- sometimes
occupy ones time -- wait a long time
odd -- surprise
Of course not (mind). -- welcome
Oh, no. -- sorry
on edge -- nervous
on end -- continuously // for some time // for quite a while
on my own -- herself
on ones own -- (by) oneself
on the courtyard -- outside
on the news -- on television
on the second floor // take the stairs up -- on the floor above
on time -- avoid being late
on your desk -- in an office
once // no longer -- not anymore
once and again // from time to time // on and off // off and on -- sometimes // occasionally
One days as good as the next. -- Hes available any day.
one in a million -- rare
one more -- another
one step at a time -- gradually
Ones job search was unsuccessful. -- sb. was unable to find a job.
ones schoolwork be suffering -- be interfering with ones studies
only -- part
only a couple of times -- twice // two times
only a ten-minute walk -- not need to take a car
only occasionally -- once in a while
only sb. cant -- almost everyone can
only three of ... -- most of ... not
only try to help -- Ones intention be good.
optional -- sb. can do sth. ... if sb. wants to
organize -- take care of
other than -- except
ought to be easier // unless -- might be difficult
out of breath // run // rush -- hurry
out of date -- up to date
out of it // in another world -- think only about
out of order -- not work // break down
out of print for sometime now -- no longer available
out of the way -- finish
out of this world -- delicious // like sth. very much
outcome -- result
outgoing -- friendly
out-of-date -- up-to-date
outstanding -- good
over -- end
over ones head -- beyond sb. // not understand
overcome her fear of public speaking -- not afraid to give a speech
oversleep -- absent
oversleep // on time // in a hurry // inside out -- be rushed

