SQL> insert /**//* append*/ into t 0select * from dba_objects nologging.
9157 rows created.
SQL> 0select a.xidusn,a.xidslot,a.used_ublk,a.used_urec,b.username 2 from v$transaction a,v$session b,v$mystat c 3 where a.addr = b.taddr and c.statistic# = 1 4 /
SQL> 0select a.xidusn,a.xidslot,a.used_ublk,a.used_urec,b.username 2 from v$transaction a,v$session b,v$mystat c 3 where a.addr = b.taddr and c.statistic# = 1 4 /
快速删除 建个存储过程,达到2000条或者更多条,提交一次. create or replace procedure p_0delete as n number(10). cursor my_cur is 0select * from t1. begin n:=0. for i in my_cur loop 0delete from t1 where <条件>. n:=n 1. if (mod(n,2000))=0 then commit. end if. end loop. end. /