33. From the earliest days of the tribe, kinship determined the way in which the Ojibwa society organized its labor, provided access to its resources, and defined rights and obligations involved in the distribution and consumption of those resources. (A) and defined rights and obligations involved in the distribution and consumption of those resources (B) defining rights and obligations involved in their distribution and consumption (C) and defined rights and obligations as they were involved in its distribution and consumption (D) whose rights and obligations were defined in their distribution and consumption (E) the distribution and consumption of them defined by rights and obligations
1.平行结构:(一级排除 B,D,E ) 谓语过去式平行结构 , A ed, B ed, and C ed
2.代词: (二级排除 C ) its has no logical referent 补出概括性名词消除不清楚的代词是正确选项。
3. 修饰:n. ,whose 。。。 需要考察 whose 指向的名词是否合理
4. 逻辑意思: defined by rights and obligations 改变了逻辑结构的主语