措施: -- 1. 检查损坏的对象 SELECT tablespace_name, segment_type, owner, segment_name FROM dba_extents WHERE file_id = 4 and 65 between block_id AND block_id blocks - 1.
-- 2. 设置内部事件,使exp跳过损坏的block ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS=’10231 trace name context forever,level 10’ .
-- 3. 导出表 exp user1/passwd1 file=t1.dmp tables=t1
-- 4. 删除有坏块的表 0drop table t1 purge.
-- 5. 导入表 imp user1/passwd1 file=t1.dmp tables=t1
-- 6. 清除跟踪事件 ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS=’10231 trace name context off’ .