CET6淘金词汇第四十一课le on41
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2008:01:30 09:37:32
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
administer vt.掌管,料理…的事务. 实施,实行.给予, 派给,投(药)
In many Japanese homes,as in many Chinese ones, .日本的很多家庭和许多中 国家庭一样,
the funds are administered by the wife. .也是由妻子掌握财政 大权的.
In the United States the Supreme Court is the very institution that administers law. .在美国,最高法院是实 施法律的机构.
ascend vi.渐渐上升,升高 vt.攀登,登上
The rocket ascend into the sky until it disappeared altogether .火箭高高地飞向天空直至 完全消失.
Wu Zetian ascended the throne and became the only empress in China. .武则天登上了皇帝的宝 座,成为中国历史上唯一 的女皇.
circulation n.(体液的)循环,(水,空 气等的)流通.(使)流传. 传播.发行(货币等)流通
Internet,it seems,has increased the free circulation of ideas. .互联网的出现似乎加速了 思想的自由交流.
The Chinese Peoples Bank put the twenty- yuan note into circul- ation not long ago. .不久前,中国人民银行 发行了20元纸币流通于 市面.
compensate v.偿还,补偿,抵消
Nothing can compensate the young mother for the loss of her dear child. .年轻的妈妈丧失了自己心 爱的孩子是任何东西也弥 补不了的.
Nothing can compensate for the loss of time. .虚度光阴是无法补偿的 (光阴一去不复返).
conscientious a.认真的,勤勤恳恳的
Be conscientious and make a good job in publishing. .要认真做好出版工作.
culminate v.(以...)告终
Years of waiting culminated in a tearful reunion. .多年的等待最终以含泪团 聚而结局.
dissipate vi.消散,消失 vt.使消散,使消失. 浪费,挥霍
The wind finally dissipated the smoke. .风最终驱散了烟雾.
In a few years Francis dissipated his large fortune inherited from his grandfather. .弗朗西斯在几年里就把从 他祖父那里继承下来的一 大笔财产挥霍光了.
embark vi.上船(或飞机,汽车等) (~on,~in)着手,开始
We embarked at Liverpool for New York. .我们在利物浦上船前 往纽约.
We embarked at Southampton,and disembarked in New York a week later. .我们在南安普顿上船, 一星期后到达纽约下船.