CET6淘金词汇第二课le on2
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2008:01:21 16:08:57
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
indentical a.相同的,同等的. 同一的
My opinion are not always identical with my parentss. .我的意见并不总是和父母 的意见相同.
All eggs look similar, but no two eggs are identical, .所有鸡蛋看上去相似, 但没有两只鸡蛋是完全 相同的
Leonardo da Vincis teacher once said to him. .达芬奇的老师曾经告诉 他说.
inferior n.下级,下属 a.劣等的,次的.下级的
No inferior products should be allowed to pass. .决不能让任何次品漏网.
In the past,women were regarded as inferior to men. .过去,人们认为女人不如 男人.
launch n.发射.(船)下水 (新产品)投产
The first artifical satellite was launched by the former Soviet Union, .前苏联发射了第一颗人 造卫星,
launch vt.发射.发起(运动) 推出(产品).使开始 从事.使(船)下水
which shocked the United States. .让美国人大惊失色.
mechanism n.机械装置.机制,机理. 办法,途径
The bones and muscles are parts of the mechanism of the body. .骨骼和肌肉是人体的组成 机体.
The shell of my watch is transparent and the mechanisms inside can be seen. .我的手表外壳是透明的, 可以看见里面的机械 装置.
match n.比赛,竞赛.对手,敌手. 匹配,相配的人(或物). 火柴
The prince and princess in the fairy tales .童话中的王子与公主
match vt.和...相配, 和...相称, vi.相配,相适合
are always perfectly matched(=were always a perfect match). .永远都是天造地设的 一对.
The White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou cant be matched for friendliness. .广州白天鹅宾馆良好的 服务态度是无与伦比的.
These shoes do not match.one is large and the other is small. .这双鞋不相配,一只大, 一只小.
negative a.否定的. 反面的,消极的. 负的,阴性的
negative n.负数.(照相机的) 负片,底片
He was suspicious of having taken dopes,but his urine test was negative. .他被怀疑服用了兴奋剂, 但他的尿样检测却是呈阴 性的.
Two negative makes a positive. .负负得正.
obligation n.义务,责任
To pay taxes is an obligation of every citizen. .纳税是每一个公民的 义务.