文章作者 100test 发表时间 2008:01:14 14:14:55
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
I. Translate the following into English ( 每小题 15 分,共 75)
1 .通信卫星系统在过去的几十年中取得了很大的成功,已引起人们对其未来的广泛关注。一些国家正在采用卫星来发展国内的通信,以取代传统的陆地电话线。但是,卫星的研制,发射和运转的成本很高,超出了一些国家的经济承受能力。尽管如此,通信卫星系统得到越来越多的人的重视和支持。这种技术在未来会更加普及。
2 .我们应该大力恢复和保护森林和土地,减缓人口增长,减轻发展中国家的债务,提高能源效率,开发可再生资源,如水力、太阳能等。恢复热带森林不仅将保护数以万计的鲜为人知的生物物种,而且有助于吸收大气中的二氧化碳 —— 延缓“温室效应”引起的地球变暖过程。
3 .中美两国在社会制度和对外政策上有着本质的区别。但是,双方同意,各国不论社会制度如何,都应该根据尊重各国主权和领土完整、不侵犯别国、不干涉别国内政、平等互利、和平共处的原则来处理国与国之间的关系。国际争端应在此基础上予以解决,而不诉诸武力和武力威胁。
4 .创造一个品牌需要时间,金钱和市场知识。一些中国品牌以有竞争力的价位为后盾,已经挤进了国际市场,但是同时也采用了其他战略。例如“海尔” —— 中国最负盛名的家用电器生产商,已经明显地从价格战略上转变过来,以产品质量、高效的销售和售后服务来进行竞争。
5 .中国民俗文化村是国内第一个荟萃各民族的民间、民俗风情和民居建筑于一园的大型文化游览区。它坐落在风光秀丽的深圳湾畔,占地 18 万平方米。您可以在一日之内,或乘车,或步行,或乘船在村寨里尽情游历。除了可以了解各民族的建筑风格之外,还可以欣赏和参与各民族的歌舞表演、民族工艺品生产和民族风味食品制作的表演。
II. Translate the following into Chinese ( 第一题 15 分、第二题 20 分,第三题 40 分 )
1 . Bangkok‘s traffic is among the worst in the world, and has blighted the lives of the city’s 8 million people. School children have to leave home before dawn and many commuters spend more than three hours on the road a day. The Thai Farmers Bank Research Center estimates that traffic congestion costs the country about $2.3 billion a year in lost productivity, health problems and wasted fuel. It has also scared off foreign investors and discouraged tourists. Any real life is still a long way off. Experts say it will take many years to untie the Gordian knot of Bangkok‘s traffic woes, the legacy of decades of poor planning and political squabbling. 2 . Culture operates both visibly and invisibly to influence the substance of negotiations and the performance of the eventual contract. It is therefore necessary for an exporter to have knowledge of both the foreign culture and the negotiating process in that culture. This includes familiarity with the spoken language and with the body language (that is, typical gestures); knowledge of the country’s social customs and formalities; awareness of the degree to which subtleness or, inversely, directness is current in negotiations; understanding of the use of time in formal talks; knowledge of the degree to which compromise is acceptable for reaching a final accord; understanding of the decision-making process in the counterpart company; and awareness of the sanctity of oral versus written contracts. 3 . Lexicography provides at its best a joyful sense of busyness with language. One is immersed in the details of language as in no other field. Sometimes the details are so overwhelming and endless they sap the spirit and depress the mind. Often at the end of a hard day‘s work one realizes with dismay that the meager stack of finished work one has accomplished has an immeasurably slight impact on the work as a whole. But the simple fact, not widely appreciated, is that dictionaries are made by writers. As I hope the readers of this work will come to understand, dictionaries do not sprint into being. People must plan them, collect information, and write them. Writing takes time, and it is often frustrating and even infuriating. No other form of writing is at once so quixotic and so intensely practical. Dictionary making does not require brilliance or originality of mind. It does require high intelligence, mastery of the craft and dedication to hard work. If one has produced a dictionary, one has the satisfaction of having produced a work of enduring value. Dictionaries ordinarily outlive their creators by many years. Samuel Johnson was a poet, a playwright, a biographer, a political polemicist, a brilliant talker and debater, and a man whose breath of reading and command of classical literature and language astonished his contemporaries, yet it is as a lexicographer that he left his most enduring legacy to mankind.