MBA联考常用动词汇总 T tablet n. 碑, 牌匾, 药片 They put up a marble tablet in memory of his father. 他们建了一座大理石碑来纪念他的父亲。 tale n.故事, 谣言, 传说 takeover n.兼并.接收 target n.靶子.目标,指标 tariff n.关税.收费表 raise tariffwalls against foreign goods 建立关税壁垒以抵制舶来品 a refreshment-room tariff [英]餐室价目表 tax n.税.负担 vt.征税 These two shopkeepers are in prison for tax evasion.这两个店主因逃税而坐牢。 taxation n.征税,纳税 taxpayer n 纳税人 tear n. 眼泪 vt.扯, 撕, 撕破 to tear up the letter 撕毁一封信 tedious adj.乏味的, 沉闷的, 冗长的 (stuffy adj.乏味的, 气闷的) teller n.出纳员 tenderer n 投标人 term n.学期.措词,俗语.(pl.)条件,条款 in terms of以…的观点;就…而说 If you agree to my terms -- free meals and good wages — I will work for you. 如果你同意我的条件,免费用餐并给高薪,我就为你工作。 tertiary adj.第三的, 第三位的, 第三世纪的 tertiary—industry n.第三产业 thrift n.节俭, 节约 To practice thrift is a virtue.节俭是美德。 (frugality n.节俭, 俭省) thunder n.雷, 雷声, 轰隆声 vi.打雷, 雷鸣 tie-in-sale n. 搭配销售,搭卖 tight a.紧的,牢固的.密封的.银根紧的 timid adj.胆小的, 羞怯的 as timid as a hare 胆小如鼠 (bold adj大胆的;勇敢的; 冒险的 as bold as brass鲁莽;擅自;厚颜 It is hardly believable that such a pretty young lady is as bold as brass. 真是难以置信这样一位年青漂亮的太太竟然如此厚颜无耻。) timing n.时间安排.时间选择 title n.标题,题目.称号,头衔.所有权 toe n.趾, 脚趾, 足尖 toll n.(路、桥等)通行费;(重大)损失 toll on long-distance telephone calls 长途电话费用 Automobile accidents take a heavy toll of human lives.车祸使许多人丧生。 torch n. 手电筒, 火把;火炬 He used a torch to see into the dark cupboard. 他用一只手电筒照看黑暗的橱柜。 torture n.折磨, 痛苦, 拷问, 拷打 vt.拷问, 曲解, 折磨, 使弯曲 tough adj.强硬的, 艰苦的, 坚强的, 坚韧的, 强壮的, 吃苦耐劳的 n.恶棍 a tough story难以置信的故事 a tough job棘手的工作 a tough customer难伺候的客人 total a.完全的,全体的 n.总数,合计 vt.总计,合计 tout v.推销;招徕;兜售;吹捧;劝诱 trade n.贸易;商行,行业 v.交易,做生意 transact v.做交易;办理 transaction n.交易 transfer v./n.迁移,调动;转车,转学;转让,过户 trap n.圈套, 陷阱, 诡计, vi.设圈套, 设陷阱 The police set a trap for the thieves. 警察设下了圈套捉小偷。 treaty n.条约;协定 tremble n./vi.战栗, 颤抖 His voice trembled with anger. 他的声音因愤怒而发抖。 trifle n.琐事, 少量, 小事 trip v. 摔倒, 绊倒, 失足 I tripped over the box on the floor and fell. 我被地板上的箱子绊了一下,摔倒了。 triumph n.胜利, 成功 v.获得胜利 It was a great triumph when our team won the race.我们队赛跑赢了,这是一个很大的成功. trust n./v.信赖,信任;委托 turnover n.营业额,销售额;人员调整;周转 aggregate turnover周转总额 annual turnover年营业额 tunnel n.隧道, 地道 They tunnelled for weeks before they reached the other side of the hill. 他们挖了几个星期的隧道,才通到小山的另一边。