SECTION 3: 到公园参观,一个导游介绍情况: 1.Where is the Information Board.(on the beach)
2. ticket including a. shoes b. a map of cave c. safty helmet 答案应该是(c.safty helmet)
3. which sport you must booking in advance? (B.water-skiing)
然后是三个填空 1.(for families) 2.Children are allow to (feed animals) 3.the crocodile can live at least for (50 years) kangaroo is larger than (a person)
SECTION 3:关于一种大鸟的长文章,答案不好找。T/F和填空。 1. 大多数鸟类不是一夫一妻制 (T) 2. wander大鸟比royal大鸟的翅膀大 (NG) 3. 这种大鸟排队比别的鸟都长(T) 文章中说...unique in terms of length.
每次有(6)只鸟在一起countership display. 大鸟给小鸟找食,每天能飞(500 miles),according to observation. 小鸟需要(85 days)孵出来。 parents鸟(2 years)后,会reunite.
写作:V96 TASK 1:向房东抱怨家具有问题,你是谁/什么问题/解决方案 TASK 2:young people are exposed to a huge amount of information, such as books, films, Internet. 讨论有哪些bad influnce。结合自己经验说说怎么办。