Northern Co ortium Pre-master Programme Making a Difference

文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:12:13 16:51:14
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

It was not until I completed the course that I realised how genuinely good the Northern Consortium Pre-master Programme is. It is particularly worthy of a mention that this programme is not only a provision of academic support bridging the gap between British and Chinese education, but also something that may make a difference in a student’s life. This statement would probably be testified from my own experience by simply examining both how much I have learnt and how much I have changed.

One of the useful skills that I have acquired in this programme was using the English language for academic purposes with a high level of sophistication and proficiency. This was achieved by academically coherent, challenging and up-to-date training in listening, speaking, reading and writing. These four aspects, however, were not treated separately. They were, in fact, consolidated in programmes of study in ways that inspire the development of independence, self-reliance and task management skills. Moreover, the focus was placed throughout the programme on fostering mastery to employ the language rather than teaching it literally. As a result, a high level of language proficiency was reached by means of answering questions posed by the teachers in classes, fulfilling tasks, composing assignments and writing a dissertation.

Another merit I have gained was cross-cultural communication skills, which yielded in-depth knowledge of UK education. With the implementation of an open-door-policy, the teachers encouraged me to enter the office for enquiry, providing an easy access to the information resources. Such communication was reciprocally beneficial because it offered an opportunity for both the teachers and me to learn each other’s needs. Firstly, a set of criteria to evaluate a student in British education were detected so that a clear goal was set and plans for approaching it were in turn formulated. Secondly, being presented with a list of learning sho

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Northern Co ortium Pre-master Programme Making a Difference
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