
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:01:11 20:12:55
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

We have the pleasure of announcing that under the auspices of…, we have today commenced business as…. At the following Places:兹高兴地公告,在……赞助下,我公司今天在下列地址开业,经营……业务。

We have the honor to inform you that we have established ourselves in this district as Commission Merchants for……, under the name of…… Co., Ltd.现荣幸通告,我们已在此地设立……有限公司,从事……业务并收取佣金。

We are now enjoying the exclusive privilege of exporting all products of……, the biggest manufacturing company of Electric Machines and Appliances in……我们现有出口……公司全部产品的专利权,该公司是……(国家、地区)最大的电器机械制造公司。

In accordance with increased volume of our trade in…..(PLACE), we have decided to institute a new branch in……(PLACE).根据我公司在……(地名)贸易量的增加,决定在……(地名)设立新的分公司。

We have placed the management of our new branch in the hands of……(NAME),……(NAME) has been holding a responsible position of……in our head office for the past……years.我公司把新设的分公司交由……(人名)经营。……(人名)在过去……年里一直担任我总公司……职务。

Our company newly established through uniting the capitals of the captioned…… firms will be engaged principally in commission business, of which main line is……我公司合并了标题所示……家商行的资本,从新组成,主要经营……业务。

The new company has duly taken over all accounts outstanding and will take all responsibility for the settlement of accounts.新的公司已接管了一切未了帐目,并将负责清算。

We originally established ourselves in…… with a capital of…… and then we reorganized our company by merging…….. Similar firms under the name of present……, increasing our capital up to…….我公司……年成立时资金……,然后合并了……家类似商号,改组成……公司,资金增加到……。

Please note that we have moved into…… and therefore, all future communications should be made to the new address mentioned above.请注意,我公司已迁至新址……,因此,今后希望按上述新址联系。

This is to inform you that by mutual consent, the agency contract with…… will cease to exist at the end of……. Therefore, from the beginning of……, we welcome your direct inquiries to our office.与……公司所签代理合约,经双方同意,将于自……(日期)起失效。因此从自……(日期)起,欢迎向我公司直接询购,特此通知。

Mr.……(Ms.……), who has been showing an excellent ability as our…… representative since……, has now decided to retire from the service. Accordingly, he (she) will be unauthorized to accept any orders or to collect any account on and after…….……先生自……年以来任我公司驻……代表,能力卓越,现已决定退休,自……(日期)起,他(她)已无权接受任何定单或收帐。

We are well established in manufacturing…… to which we have devoted years of experience and research. You may rest assured that whatever we offer you excels in workmanship and function.我们专门生产……,在这方面有多年的研究经验。你们可以放心,我们提供的设备工艺精、性能好。

